Replying to and Resolving Messages
  • 10 Nov 2023
  • 1 minute read
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Replying to and Resolving Messages

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Article summary

The HTML editor in Inbox is the same editor used throughout Slate, including Deliver, Form Builder, Event Landing Pages, and on the person record when composing individual email messages. This section will discuss the features that are specific to Inbox that have not yet been covered by previous sections.  

Send and Resolve Options



Send and Resolve

This option will send the message to the recipient while also marking the message as resolved.


This option will send the message to the recipient, but it will not update the status of the message.


This option will mark the message as resolved without sending a message.

Save Draft

This button will save the composed message without sending it.


This button will delete the message. This is useful for items that are considered spam that were not caught by your spam filters.

Prev / Next

These buttons allow you to navigate to the next and previous messages in Inbox based on the Inbox filters selected prior to opening the message.


This button will bring you back to the main Inbox page.

Edit Envelope Options




Change the From address. Options include: the current user's email address; the current Role's default email address; and the Default Sender Email for your database.


By default, this will be the email address that the original message was sent from. The Recipient text box permits you to enter any email address.


Set additional email address(es) to receive copies of the email. The recipient will see the CC email addresses.

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