Reports - Edit Row Group Settings
  • 21 Nov 2023
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Reports - Edit Row Group Settings

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Edit Row Group Settings




Determine the visual presentation of the row:

  • Data Table - Displays numerical data in a table

  • Chart - Represents aggregate data graphically


Provide the row with a name to display in the report.

Row Type

Select the appropriate type.

  • Group By - Most appropriate for reporting data driven by a defined prompt list (e.g. major, campus, entry term). Useful for cross-tab reporting.

  • Aggregate - Returns a table row of values based on the Function selected. See 'Function' below for a list of the standard mathematical functions available when selected.

  • Distribution - Group and display the distribution of data values based on defined intervals.

  • Formula - Display data based on a formula.


Standard mathematical functions are available when the row type selected is 'Aggregate'.

  • Average

  • Median

  • Maximum

  • Minimum

  • Count Sum

  • Standard Deviation

  • Standard Deviation for the Population

  • Variance

  • Variance for the Population

Available when the row type selected is 'Distribution'. Select the Continuous options for continuous data (e.g. length of time), and Discrete for discrete data (e.g. test scores).

  • Continuous Ascending

  • Continuous Descending

  • Discrete Ascending

  • Discrete Descending

  • Continuous Ascending

  • Continuous Descending

  • Discrete Ascending

  • Discrete Descending


Display data based on a formula


Define the interval by which the data values should be split. If the values should be displayed according to deciles, enter 10; quartiles, 4, etc.

Null Values

Determine if null/missing values should display within the row group.

Series Total

Check this setting to show the series total within the report.

Number Format

Display values in a particular format. For more details see:

Variable Name

Assign a unique variable to the row group for use in a formula. 

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