Adding Research to a Record
  • 10 Apr 2024
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Adding Research to a Record

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Article summary

Once a research source has been created and scoped, the  Research tab appears on all records of the same scope. This standard tab will appear to the left of the  Profile tab.

Clicking the Research tab opens an  Overview page that displays high level details about the research associated with the record. This includes the count of unique data sources, total data records, the first source (and date), and the most recent source (with date). 


Create a custom dashboard  to display additional data information from the research sources. 

To view the individual data records and add new research to the record, click Research Sources on the right side of the page. 

Adding New Research Data

To manually add research data to a record:

  1. From a record's Research tab, click Research Sources link on the right side of the page. A list of existing research sources appears.

  2. Click New Research Data. An Add Research Data popup appears.

  3. Select the appropriate Research Source from the select list.

  4. Select a Priority. Normal Priority is the default value.

  5. Select the Date for the research data. The date defaults to the current date, but it can changed as desired. 

  6. Click  Next. An Edit <source> Data popup appears.

  7. Enter the research data as appropriate.

  8. Click Save. The new research source appears in the list.


Changing Research Data Tab Order

The tabs that appear when entering the research data are based on the categories of the data keys associated with the source. The tab order can be changed by adjusting system prompts that are automatically created to reflect these categories. 

To adjust the order of the tabs:

  1. Click Database on the Slate navigation bar. The Database page appears.

  2. In the Records and Datasets section, click Prompts. The Prompts summary page appears.

  3. Search the prompt list for sys:research_category and click it. All of the created categories appear as prompts. 

  4. Click any of the prompts. And  Edit Prompt popup appears.

  5. Change the (or add) the value for the Order setting to adjust the display order. 

  6. Click Save. The prompt list refreshes with the new display order.

To be sure the tabs appear as desired, check and update all sys:research_category prompt orders. If the Order value is blank, prompts appear in alphabetical order.

Adding Categories to the Default Tab

Insert a small snippet of code in the XML section of a sys:research_category prompt to include values of a particular category on the Default tab when first adding or viewing research data. 

For example, to create a category called "Details" on the default tab:

  1. Click Database on the Slate navigation bar. The Database page appears.

  2. In the Records and Datasets section, click Prompts. The Prompts summary page appears.

  3. Search the prompt list for sys:research_category and click it. All of the created categories appear as prompts.

  4. Click the desired prompt. An Edit Prompt popup appears.

  5. Click the XML Configuration tab.

  6. Insert the following snippet of code:

  7. Click Save.

Adding Research Data from an Import

Research values can be imported and associated to records through the Upload Dataset tool. Like all uploads, there must be sufficient matching criteria in the source file to appropriately match an existing record or to create a new record. 

When mapping the source field files, the destinations are listed under the Research category for DestinationDestinations can be selected based on the source of the research. 

For example, to import to the "Estimated Capacity" key for the "Staff Research" source, select the destination Staff Research - Estimated Capacity.

Staff Research Import Destination


If the same data key is used for multiple sources, a destination will be available for each source. 


The nature of Research is additive. Imports are meant to create new research records and cannot be used to update existing research values.

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