Retention Policy Source Types (Deprecated)
  • 20 Nov 2023
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Retention Policy Source Types (Deprecated)

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Article summary

Source Type



All application data, including all application-scoped fields, all application-scoped form registrations (including all reader forms), all activities.

Application Reference

All data for a selected application reference type.

Entity (Person-Scoped)

All person-scoped data for a selected entity.

Entity (Application-Scoped)

All application-scoped data for a selected entity.


All Event/Interview data for a selected Event/Interview Template, including the event and associated registrations.

Event/Interview Registration 

All Event/Interview Registrations for a selected Event/Interview Template, filtered by person record.


All field data for a selected field. This allows for the version history to be deleted or retained on the update log of the timeline. If Retain Version History is selected, a record of the data deletion will be added to the timeline.

Field Version History

All version history data for a selected field.

Form Response 

All form responses for a selected form, including all form field data. If form fields are mapped to system fields, this Source Type will not delete the data stored in those system fields. To delete this data, an additional Retention Policy item will need to be added for each system field using the Field Source Type.

Form Response Field 

Form field data for form responses for a selected form. If the form field is mapped to a system field, this Source Type will not delete the data stored in the system field. To delete this data, an additional Retention Policy item will need to be added using the Field Source Type.


All interaction data for a selected interaction code, including date, subject, private comments, and public comments.

Interaction Private Comments 

All Private Comments for a selected interaction code.


All custom materials of a selected type (person-scoped and application-scoped). This Source Type allows for the deletion of a material or the redaction of the material while retaining a record of the receipt of the material.


All person data, including all fields, all form registrations, all folio materials, all interactions. This source type will delete the entire person record and all associated data. Only person records that do not contain application data will be considered for deletion. To delete the person record for applicants, the Retention Policy must first be executed using the Application Source Type for the desired records.

Reader Form 

All reader form responses for a selected reader form, including all field data. If reader form fields are mapped to system fields, this Source Type will not delete the data stored in those system fields. To delete this data, an additional Retention Policy item will need to be added for each system field using the Field Source Type.

Reader Form Field 

Form field data for reader form responses for a selected reader form. If the reader form field is mapped to a system field, this Source Type will not delete the data stored in the system field. To delete this data, an additional Retention Policy item will need to be added using the Field Source Type.


All data for a selected relationship type.

School Report

All school report data.


All sources and source data for a selected source format. If a source imports data into system fields, this Source Type will not delete the data stored in those system fields. To delete this data, an additional Retention Policy item will need to be added for each system field using the Field Source Type.

Source Data (keep file and source interactions) 

All source data for a selected source format. File and source interactions are retained. If a source imports data into system fields, this Source Type will not delete the data stored in those system fields. To delete this data, an additional Retention Policy item will need to be added for each system field using the Field Source Type.

Source Field 

Source field data for all records with a selected source format. If a source imports data into a system field, this Source Type will not delete the data stored in the system field. To delete this data, an additional Retention Policy item will need to be added using the Field Source Type.

Source Field (filtered by person record) 

Source field data for a selected source format, filtered by person record. If a source imports data into a system field, this Source Type will not delete the data stored in the system field. To delete this data, an additional Retention Policy item will need to be added using the Field Source Type.


All Social Security Numbers. This Source Type will not delete the SSN on sources or form responses. To delete SSN on sources and form responses, additional Retention Policy items will need to be added using the corresponding Source Type.


All Sport data for a selected sport including sport-scoped fields, Sport Notes and Sport Rating.

Sport Notes

All Sport notes data for a selected sport. 

Sport Rating 

All Sport rating data for a selected sport.


All test data for a selected test type, including all scores and dates.

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