  • 03 Apr 2024
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Article summary

Robocalling allows for records to be called with scheduled, pre-recorded voice messages via the Deliver module, similar to sending emails or text messages to multiple records. The success of calls can be tracked with real-time reporting and analytics.

To enable robocalling, an SMS/Voice account must first be configured and credits purchased within Slate. This may be done through the Deliver Configuration module in the Database. Upon purchase of a block of credits (please allow up to 60 minutes for the transaction to be registered), return to the Deliver Configuration module to provision a sender number in the selected area code. This will be the number that appears as the "Caller ID" for all outgoing messages.

Configuring a Robocall

To set up a robocall, take the following steps:

  1. Click Deliver in the top navigation bar.

  2. Click New Mailing.
    Configure the popup window

  3. Enter the following configurations in the popup window:

    • Name - Give the new message a descriptive name.

      • Folder - Add the message to an existing folder or make a new folder by selecting 'Other' and then naming the folder.

      • Method - Select 'Voice'.
        Create a query with a descriptive name

  4. Once the mailing is saved, click Edit Recipient Lists, followed by New Query. Create a query with a descriptive name, turn on the Sharing setting if necessary, and select the desired base. 

    The base selected for the recipient list query will depend on what type of records should be called. The base defines the scope of the rows of the query; in other words, the query will feature one row per record of the base selected (i.e. one row per person record, one row per application, one row per organization contact).

  5. In the recipient list, select exports and any relevant filters.

    • Exports: Select at least Name and a phone number field that is to be called (i.e. Mobile).
      Click Edit Message

  6. Within the mailing, click Edit Message.

  7. Select the appropriate Sender phone number. Then merge in the recipient phone number from the merge fields on the right side.

  8. Click the blue microphone icon, followed by the red recording icon, to record the message. For optimal performance, voice messages should be less than 100 seconds in duration.

  9. Review the recorded message and re-record if necessary by following step 8 again.

  10. Finally, similar to email or text messages sent through Deliver, click Send Mailing and review the settings before scheduling/sending out the Robocall mailing. Within the Send Settings, define the date and time at which these calls should be sent.
    Mic and Record icons

Connect a microphone to the computer in order to record the message. When prompted by the web browser click 'Allow.'

Additional Considerations

Transactional vs Marketing/Recruitment Robocalls

Prior to configuring a robocall, consider the purpose of the message and its intended audience. If the call is marketing/recruitment-related, an additional process may need to be built in order to capture robocalling opt-out information. Currently, it is not possible for the call recipient to opt-out during the call. The following are possible alternatives:

  • Create a custom person-scoped field for Robocall Opt-Out and add it to a custom tab, which can be updated upon request by the recipient and be filtered on when building a robocalling recipient list. This is similar to the best practice for SMS opt-outs.

  • Include brief opt-out instructions at the end of the voice message.
    To enable robocalling, an SMS/Voice account must first be configured and credits purchased within Slate. This may be done through the Deliver Configuration module in the Database. Upon purchase of a block of credits (please allow up to 60 minutes for the transaction to be registered), return to the Deliver Configuration module to provision a sender number in the selected area code. This will be the number that appears as the "Caller ID" for all outgoing messages.  Best Practices - When in doubt, leverage robocalling functionality for transactional purposes only.

Delivery Statistics

There is no capability on any platform for detecting "opens" with voice messages; this data is unavailable.

Recipient Data Fees

The recipient may incur data and usage fees from their mobile provider for any voice calls received.

Answering Machine / Voicemail Detection

Robocalling can detect if a real person or an answering machine/voicemail is on the other end. If it detects an answering machine or voicemail, it will wait for the indication sound to begin the entire recorded message. When the call is delivered, the recorded message will not begin until the person picking up the phone speaks, as the software must identify whether the voice is from an answering machine/voicemail or human.

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