  • 17 Jun 2024
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Article summary

This article will guide you through the standard fields that are available when you wish to add an Institution to a Person record. Find this option by clicking the Profile tab on a Person Record. This knowledge will help avoid field duplication when adding custom fields and prompts.

School 1

Adding a school to a record

To add a new institution to a record:

  1. From the main navigation, select Records.

  2. Enter the record’s name in the Search bar.

  3. Select the record from the list.

  4. Click on the Profile Tab and then navigate to the right-hand menu and click Schools.

  5. Click on New Institution.

School settings

Refer to the configurations below as needed:




Begin typing the name of the institution to engage the Autosuggest functionality. If selected from the Organizations dataset, the School Code, Country, City, and State will pre-populate.  If the organization is not auto-suggested, enter data for Institution, School Code, Country, City, and State.

School Code

If not pre-populated, enter the unique identifier for the school (CEEB).

Dates Attended

Enter the dates the student attended the selected institution.

Level of Study

Select the Level of Study from the prompt values provided. Existing values may be modified and additional types may be added by configuring the Slate Standard Fields & Prompts.


The school's priority guides the application rank, as it is the first table rank criteria. Following the Priority, the ranking order is determined by Attended Date (To, if it exists. Otherwise, Attended Date: From), Created Date, then ID.


Select the degree associated with the school. By default, 'Degree' is the only value (which saves as a null value). Prompts created with a key of 'degree' can be created to add additional values to the list and can be displayed based on the 'Level of Study.'

Date Conferred or Expected

Enter the date the Degree was confirmed (or expected to be confirmed).


Enter the student's major. By default, 'Major' is a text box field. Adding prompts with the key of 'major' will automatically change this text box field to a select list.

Major 2

A second major option can be accessed only when the 'major' prompt exists.


A 'Minor' field can only be accessed when the 'major' prompt exists.

Field of Study

If desired, a 'Field of Study' field can be enabled by creating a prompt with a key of 'field'.


Enter the student's GPA. By default, the 'GPA Scale' is a text box. Adding prompts with a key of 'school_gpascale' will automatically change this text box to a select list.

Recalculated GPA 

Enter a recalculated GPA.

Class Rank

This field can be used to compare performance to that of others from in the same class.

Credit Hours

If available, include any credit hours received from the institution.


If desired, indicate English is the primary language of instruction at the institution.


If desired, include the website address of the institution attended.


By default, 'Honors' is a text box field. Adding prompts with the key of 'honors' will automatically change this text box field to a select list.


Enter text for Awards received.

Related Dataset Fields

Institution: Searches Organizations Dataset for Organization Name (Note: If an Organization Record does not exist for a particular school it will not show up in the autosuggest search)

School Code: Searches Organizations Dataset for CEEB


School Data is used to determine Rank.

School data are also saved as grouped fields.

Difference between Schools and Organization

The Schools table is a line of data that exists on a Person Record that is unique to that particular person. In contrast, the Organization Dataset is a full listing of the thousands of institutions within your instance.

The way an Organization Record and a School Record on the Person Record are connected is the CEEB code, otherwise known as the key. Without a key, the connection between the two cannot be made.

Tip: Homeschool

For homeschooled students, the Organization Record Home School Clearinghouse with the key of 970000 can be considered as an option to collect Home School School data. This particular key is also used by College Board to identify Home Schooled students.

Otherwise, a brand new Organization Record can be created in order to connect School on the Person Record to a corresponding Organization Record.

Custom school-scoped fields and prompts

Using the Field Editor it is possible to create custom school-scoped fields to suit your institution’s needs.

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