Secondary School Admission Test Data and PDFs
  • 28 Nov 2023
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Secondary School Admission Test Data and PDFs

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Article summary

The Secondary School Admission Test (SSAT) was developed by the Enrollment Management Association (EMA) to standardize the secondary school admissions testing process. This article covers the steps to:

  1. Import score data, and

  2. Import Score report PDFs.

Slate Configurations

The following steps will show you how to configure your database to import SSAT score data and score report PDFs.

SSAT Test Types

The test types store the SSAT score results.

  1. Select Database from the top navigation, then select Slate Template Library from the Configurations section.

  2. Click the Test Types section to expand it. Alternatively, type "SSAT" into the search bar at the top of the page.

  3. On the right, click Add one or both of the SSAT test types, depending on which scores your institution accepts. For example, if your institution accepts only Upper level scores, you may choose to just add the SSAT Upper score type.

  4. Click Save. Do not make any changes to the score configurations of the test types.

SSAT Score Report Material Type

If you already have a material type you'd like to use to store these documents, you can skip this step.

  1. Select Database from the top navigation bar, then select Materials.

  2. Create a material type to store the SSAT Score Report PDFs. If you'd like, you can make this custom material type test-scoped. This associates the score report document with the specific test score.

Custom Fields

Create a person-scoped custom field to store the EMA Folio ID. 

  1. Select Database from the top navigation, then select Fields.

  2. Create a custom field to store the SSAT Student Folio ID using the following settings:

    • Scope: Person

    • ID: ssat_id

    • Value: Store Value

    • Multiple: Single Value

    • Unique for Merging: Value contains a unique ID which identifies a single record for merging

Source Formats

Two source formats are used to import the SSAT data and documents.

The source format used to import the score data is called Secondary School Admission Test Score Data File. Perform the following steps to add and configure this source format.

  1. Select Database from the top navigation bar, then select Source Format Library.

  2. Add the Secondary School Admission Test Score Data File (CSV) source format.

  3. When a file is received from EMA, configure the Remap settings. Many items have been pre-mapped. As always, feel free to customize how the data will be imported.  

  4. Set the source format's Remap Active flag to Active once you've finished customizing the mappings. This runs the import using the Remap settings configured above for all files uploaded on or after the Remap As Of Date. No other changes should be made to the source format settings.

The source format used to import the score report documents is called Secondary School Admission Test Score Report Documents. Perform the following steps to add and configure this source format.

  1. Select Database from the top navigation bar, then select Source Format Library.

  2. Add the Secondary School Admission Test Score Report Documents (DIP) source format.

  3. When a file is received from EMA, configure the Remap settings:

  4. On the Static Mappings page, configure a static mapping for the destination Material - Material Code. Select the material type that should be used to store the score report documents.

    Note: If the material type is test-scoped, then the 
    Reg ID source field must be mapped to the Test: SSAT - External ID destination so the document can be associated with the specific test score.

  5. Set the Remap Active flag to Active on the source format once you've finished customizing the mappings. This runs the import using the Remap settings configured above for all files uploaded on or after the Remap As Of Date. No other changes should be made to the source format settings.


The data for records must exist in Slate prior to importing the documents. The Import Order setting has been pre-set for the Secondary School Admission Test Score Report Documents to ensure that, if the source formats are configured to automatically pick up files, the data file will be processed first. If you are manually uploading the files, it is imperative that the data file is uploaded and imported using the Secondary School Admission Test Score Data File prior to importing the file with the associated documents.

  Should I map the first name and last name?

No! This source format requires that the data be loaded onto the record via the Secondary School Admission Test Score Data File source format first. As such, this source format is configured not to create new records, and will only match an existing record using the unique Folio ID value sent in both source formats.

  What happens if the matching record does not exist?

Any documents that cannot be matched to a record in Slate will be displayed in Batch Acquire to allow for manual processing.

Configurations to Retrieve Files from EMA

EMA has provided a PowerShell script to retrieve and package files. The DownloadScoresAsZip.ps1 script will generate the files in the Document Import Processor format required by the Secondary School Admission Test Score Report Documents source format. 

Please refer to the information provided in the ReadMe file for prerequisites and instructions on using the script.

Note: If you do not yet have credentials from EMA, request credentials by writing to [email protected].

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