Sending a Mailing
  • 17 Jun 2024
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Sending a Mailing

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Article summary

Deliver mailings can be sent as one time campaigns or on an ongoing basis. Once you've completed the following checklist and are satisfied with the content and presentation of your message, navigate to the mailing overview page and click Send Mailing. This article lists and describes each of the configurations that appear in the Send Mailing pop-up.

đź”” Important!

Before sending any mailing:

  • Check the logic of your recipient list queries

  • Preview the message as it will appear on desktop and mobile

  • Preview any links

  • Send a test message

Pre-Flight Checks

Any errors or warnings that identify any common mistakes in the mailing setup will appear at the top of the mailing next to Pre-Flight Checks.

Pre-flight check errors prevent the activation of a mailing, but warnings will still allow the mailing to be sent.

For example:

  • If the Recipient field is missing an email address, an error message will appear.

  • If a merge field exists in the message body, but it is missing from the recipient list exports, a warning will appear, but the message will still send.

đź“– Further Reading

Refer to the full list of possible pre-flight check errors.


Estimated Recipients

Shows a summary of the expected delivery report before sending.


Recipient Lists

Review the recipient and suppression Lists.


Batch Size (optional)

A batch size can be included when limiting the number of recipients for a message. For example, if 10 is entered as the batch size, the mailing will stop after sending to 10 random records from recipient lists.

Setting a batch size is also useful if a mailing should only be sent to a certain number of recipients in each delivery window. Slate limits the number of rows pulled in each delivery window by the recipient list query to the number entered in the batch size field. The mailing will maintain its Scheduled/Running status. When the next delivery window occurs, the mailing will send the next batch of messages.



Selecting this option indicates that the message is ready for review.



Send to Outbox and do not deliver automatically.



Select one of two options:

  • Send mailing once

  • Send mailing on recurring basis

If sending a recurring mailing, additional options appear:

Date Range

Define the start and end date for the email campaign. If the end date is left blank, the campaign will run until it is deactivated.

Running a mailing indefinitely is not compatible with recipient lists that are spreadsheets. If you want an ongoing, indefinite mailing, you must build a recipient list through a query.

Make sure to give the campaign ample time to send. For example, if the campaign is set to stop 24 hours after it starts, the email should probably be sent as a one-time email.


Specify the days of the week on which the mailing will be sent.



🏔️ Summit 2023 Feature: Deliver Precision Timing

Select a specific time and date, or range of times, that your mailing should be delivered, and Slate handles the rest.

When you specify a delivery time, Slate works behind the scenes to ensure that your messages are delivered at the specified time. The scheduling behavior which Slate undertakes depends on whether you choose to deliver your message in a static (Eastern Time) or dynamic (recipient’s) time zone.

For instance, if you specify the mailing to go out at 2:00 PM in the Recipient’s time zone, the query might run as early as 12:00 AM Eastern Time to ensure ample time to generate the messages, queue them, and release them at the appropriate time.

Send mailing once

Options available depend on your choice of frequency.

If sending the mailing once, you can select one of two timing options:

  • Send now: Sends immediately

  • Send at a future date/time: Enter the date and time to send the mailing. Select Eastern Time or Recipient's time zone.

    • Selecting Eastern (System) Time will instruct Slate that the mailing should remain inactive until the specified time and then enqueue and send its messages immediately to all recipients once the specified time has passed.

    • Selecting Recipient’s time zone will instruct Slate to activate the mailing on the specified date (in order to ensure that international recipients receive the message at the appropriate time). The recipient list query will run as soon as the mailing is activated and the messages will be enqueued for delivery (at which point they cannot be unsent). Each message will be assigned a “send at” time which will be used to delay delivery until the specified time in the recipient’s time zone.

      đź“ť Note

      • If the time you've entered has already passed in the recipient's time zone, the mailing may be delayed up to 24 hours.

      • Recipient Time zone is calculated for persons using geographic data associated with their rank 1 address.

      • If no such geographic information can be found for a recipient, their message will be delivered in the system time zone.

      • For best results, recipient time zone scheduling should be used with person records that have a rank 1 address.

Send mailing on a recurring basis

If sending the mailing on a recurring basis, you can select one of two timing options:

  • Send at a future date/time: Enter the date and time to send the mailing. Select Eastern Time or Recipient's time zone.

    • Selecting Eastern (System) Time will instruct Slate that the mailing should remain inactive until the specified time and then enqueue and send immediately to all recipients once the specified time has passed. The mailing will then continue to run at that time until its stop date.

    • Selecting Recipient’s time zone will instruct Slate to activate the mailing on the specified start date. The query will run at the beginning of each specified day and the messages will be enqueued for delivery (at which point they cannot be unsent). Each message will be assigned a “send at” time which will be used to delay delivery until the specified time in the recipient’s timezone.

  • Send throughout the day: Select as many delivery windows from the list as you require:

    • Overnight: 2:00AM - 4:00AM

    • Morning: 10:00AM -12:00PM

    • Midday: 12:00PM - 2:00PM

    • Afternoon: 2:00PM - 4:00PM

    • Evening: 8:00PM - 10:00PM



Used to denote whether a mailing should be sent multiple times per recipient, or only once. Deduping occurs based on the recipient's email address.

The three deduping options are:

  • Do not dedupe messages

  • Send only one message/recipient

  • Allow recurring delivery of this message to the same recipient

Consider the following when deciding on an option:

Do not dedupe messages

The mailing will send to a record if:

  • The record satisfies the filter criteria

  • The record does not already exist in a query run for the mailing

Even if the email address for a record already exists as the recipient of the same mailing, the record with that email address will receive the message again.

If multiple records included in the same query run contain the same email address, all records satisfying the filter criteria will still be considered for sending.

Note: For mailings that use an uploaded spreadsheet for the recipient list, the original spreadsheet must be re-uploaded to re-send to the original recipients.

Send only one message/recipient

The mailing will send to a record if:

  • The record satisfies the filter criteria.

  • The record does not already exist in a query run for the mailing.

  • The email address of the record was not already used as the recipient for the mailing.

If multiple records exist with the same email address in a query run, only one message will be sent per email address. Other records with that email address will be skipped when the mailing is sent.

If a record that contains the same email address as a separate record that has already received the mailing is included in a query run, this recipient will be skipped and the mailing will not be delivered a second time to that email address.

Allow recurring delivery

Selecting this option will allow the message to be sent to a record multiple times. When this setting is selected, previous query runs in the mailing will automatically be removed from the mailing each time the mailing runs. A frequency must be selected, defining how often this message should send to the same record (such as 1 day, 2 days,  or 30 days).

The mailing will continue to send to a record if:

  • The record satisfies the filter criteria.

  • Either the mailing has not been sent to the record, or the previous message was sent to the record at least x days ago, where x is the specified frequency.


Send Mailing

Click to activate the mailing.

Emails and texts are never sent or delivered to recipients when messages are "sent" in Test, Clean Slate, or Time Warp environments, though they will appear on records' Timelines as if they were delivered.

However, scheduled ongoing mailings do not automatically run in these environments, so they will not appear as if they were sent. Test ongoing mailings in a Production environment with test records to ensure that these mailings send as expected.

đź“– Further Reading

Learn more about the differences in Slate feature behavior between test and production environments.


Save Settings

Click to save the settings without sending the message.


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