SFTP in Test Environments
  • 17 Nov 2023
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SFTP in Test Environments

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Article summary


It is not possible to connect directly to a test environment via SFTP. Instead, connect to your production environment and deposit files into the /test folder. It might be necessary to create that folder (and any subfolders) if it doesn't exist.

To test imports and exports from SFTP in test environments, use the /test folder and subfolders to test an upload from the SFTP site into a test environment. The subfolders in /test should mirror the folders used in your production database. For example, if your Common Application files are loaded into /incoming/commonapp in production, they should be loaded into /test/incoming/commonapp in test.

A subfolder for /test/outgoing is created automatically when a scheduled export is manually run from a test environment. A subfolder for /test/incoming is created automatically when a source format includes this subfolder path as an Import Path/Mask. Otherwise, the folder can be created manually.

Because test environments do not perform scheduled file imports, when files are dropped off into the /test/incoming folder or one of its subfolders, you must take the following steps in your test environment:

  1. Select Database from the main navigation.

  2. From the Import and Data Processing section, select Force Process Pickup.

  3. Use your browser navigation to return to the previous page.

  4. Again, in Import and Data Processing, select Force Process Import.


The following is not an error message:

The IP address is allowed on the firewall, but there have been no connection attempts in the past 24 hours.

The IP address used in the validation tool has not yet been used to connect through an SFTP client. Try connecting through the SFTP client first, then utilizing the connection validation tool to help troubleshoot any issues.

Further Reading

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