Share Mobile
  • 04 Feb 2025
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Share Mobile

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Article summary

The Slate Share platform allows screen sharing to be accessed with a mobile device. 

Slate also provides the ability to host online events with its Share webinar platform, allowing attendees to tune in to a webinar from mobile devices and access content on the go.

Accessing Share Screen Mobile

To access Share Screen on Mobile Devices:

  1. Select Database on the top navigation bar and select Share Screen.

  2. Configure the settings for a Share Screen session.

  3. Go to the external-facing Share Screen URL on a mobile device and enter the 9-digit code. For example, ""

  4. From a mobile device, attendees will be able to access the Share Screen, participate in a live chat, and broadcast video and audio to participants.

Using Share Screen Mobile for Events

From a mobile device, attendees will be able to access a live webinar and view the Share Screen, video and audio, presentation slides, as well as participate in live chat functionality including polling. Scroll down on the screen to access different elements of the online event.


To test how the Share Screen will appear on different types of mobile devices, open the Screen Share URL in a Chrome browser window. Go to Settings More Tools > Developer Tools. Select the Toggle Device Toolbar (Ctrl+Shift+M) to switch to a mobile responsive view. From there, the Share Screen experience can be previewed on different device types, as well as in landscape and portrait mode.

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