Slate Database Structure - Student Success
  • 22 Nov 2023
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Slate Database Structure - Student Success

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Article summary

Data in Slate is stored and organized into tables, and all of these tables together comprise a Slate database. These tables are all connected, making Slate a Relational Database.

When viewing a Person record in Slate, an additional tab appears when that Person has an Application. This Application record is represented as a row on the Application table. A Person may have multiple Applications, each Application existing as an individual row in the Application table.


How does Slate know these two rows in the Application table belong to the same individual (i.e., the same row in the Person table)? In a Slate database, there is a one-to-many relationship between the Person table and the Application table; that is, one instance on the Person table could be related to more than one instance on the Application table, but one instance on the Application table can be related to only one instance on the Person table.  

One row on the Person table (or one Person Record) can be related to more than one row on the Application table (or more than one Application Records).

Queries and Reports

The Slate Query Builder enables access for viewing data in the underlying tables and functionality for extracting and manipulating data. Currently, the Query Builder provides access to table data through a standard list of Query populations or bases. Many of these query populations present table data in a predetermined way; for example, the Prospects query population automatically excludes person records with an Opt-Out tag.

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