Slate Voice Calls in Timeline
  • 03 Apr 2024
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Slate Voice Calls in Timeline

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Article summary

Calls placed using Slate Voice are automatically logged in the record's Timeline as a Placed Call

To explore a record's call history: 

  1. Select Records from the top navigation bar. 

  2. Search for the record's name in the Partial Match search bar.

  3. Select the record's Timeline tab.

  4. Select a Placed Call to view details.


Clicking on a Placed Call opens a dialog box containing the following information:

  • Status: Whether the call was outgoing or incoming.

  • Timestamp: The date and time when the call was placed.

  • Duration: The amount of time spent on the call.

  • From: The Slate Voice phone number associated with the caller.

  • To: The phone number being called.

  • A red circle icon identifies calls that were recorded. If the call was recorded, you can listen to and download the recording in the Phone call pop up. 

🔔 Important!

Laws and regulations regarding the recording of telephone conversations can vary by region. Make sure that you comply with all regulations, and always request permission from the called person before recording the conversation.

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