  • 25 Apr 2024
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Article summary

Review the standard Slate fields available for storing person data under each section of the profile tab. This knowledge will help avoid field duplication when adding custom fields and prompts.

Sport 1

Why aren't there any sports or ratings?

A customized list of sports and ratings should be added to Slate using the prompts section of Database.

Sports Tab Settings




Select the sport in the dropdown. To add sports, insert prompts within Database > Prompts with a key of 'sport.'


Select the rating in the dropdown. To add ratings, insert prompts within Database > Prompts with a key of 'sport_rating.' (Note: This field is required for the use of Sports.)


Enter position played


Use for additional notes about the sport.


Choose a priority for the sport.

Creating Custom Sports Fields

Using the Field Editor you can create custom sport-scoped fields that are associated with a specific sport in the sports widget. Each sport can have its own value for a sport-scoped field. Adding a custom sport-scoped field allows you to capture additional information that is not a standard sports field (e.g. club team name, high school coach’s name, etc.).


Considering using the Sports module exclusively for students that are actively being recruited by coaches in your school’s athletics department. This will facilitate your potential use of the Slate Standard Athletics Portal where coaches can dynamically track the application process for their recruits and apply ratings to student athletes.

Alternate Uses

If your institution does not have a varsity athletics program consider repurposing the sports table to take advantage of Slate’s functionality. For example you could track musical auditions by creating a prompt list using the key of ‘sport’ that displays a list of musical instruments and using the ‘sport_rating’ prompt to develop a rating process to track and grade musical auditions.

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