Stage 3: Build Record and Process Architecture
  • 21 Nov 2023
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Stage 3: Build Record and Process Architecture

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Article summary

Previous article in this series:

 Stage 2: Populate Student Success Core Data

With the initial import complete, you can begin customizing the look and feel of person record pages. This involves creating custom data elements that will appear on records. Then, you'll use those elements and others in Slate to support student success processes.

Designing Records

Custom tabs

Display custom fields on your person records, datasets, financial aid records, and more. Built with the forms tool, custom tabs can be permissioned to appear based on the administrative user accessing the record and the record itself. 


Quickly identify populations of records with a highly visible tag. For example, add a "homesick" watch flag to a student record that triggers an assigned task for an advisor to check in.


Capture grouped information (such as advising notes, a class schedule, and more).



Call attention to the most important information your users need to know at a glance. Dashboards appear and can be customized on the Dashboard tab.


Standard Tabs

Standard elements, including interactions, contact and address information, education histories, job histories, and any materials associated with a record, appear on the record's standard tabs. Standard fields and prompts can be customized to suit your needs. 

Designing Process Objects

With the architecture of each record established, you can create objects that facilitate your processes:

  • Forms allow advisors to complete early alert reports and input process notes, and lets students register for appointments. 

  • Entities can contain custom interactions that record details of one-to-many data points like scholarships or class schedules. Entities can be used on both person- and application-page-construction-scoped forms. 

  • Event and Scheduler templates (and their associated communications) can be created in advance of events, which simplifies event creation. 

Up next:

Stage 4: Populate Student Success Secondary Data

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