Standard Fields & Prompts
  • 17 Jun 2024
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Standard Fields & Prompts

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Article summary

This article lists person-scoped fields that exist in your Slate database by default.

🔔 Important!

These fields should not be recreated as Slate custom fields.

📖 Related articles


  • Prefix*

  • First (Given)

  • Middle

  • Last (Family)

  • Suffix*

  • Preferred First

  • Other Last Names Used (i.e. "Alias")


  • Sex*

  • Birthdate

  • Deceased

  • Race

  • Tribal Affiliation


  • Primary Citizenship

  • Dual Citizenship

  • Residency Status

  • Social Security Number

  • Visa

  • Permanent Resident Card Number


  • Email Address

  • Primary Phone

  • Mobile Number

  • Evening Phone

  • Device Type*


  • Person Status

  • Person Created Date

  • Language*


  • Address Type*

  • Country

  • Street Address

  • City

  • Postal Code

  • Priority

  • Valid From Date (Mailing Address Type Only)

  • Valid To Date (Mailing Address Type Only)

  • County (While not technically a field, the county is generated for each address and available for export)


  • Relationship Type*

  • Relationship Prefix

  • Relationship First Name

  • Relationship Middle Name

  • Relationship Last Name

  • Relationship Suffix

  • Relationship Email

  • Relationship Phone

  • Relationship Birthdate

  • Relationship Age

  • Relationship Prospective Entry Term

  • Relationship Deceased

  • Relationship Resides with Student

  • Relationship Education Level*


  • School Institution

  • School Code

  • School Country

  • School City

  • School State

  • School Dates Attended

  • School Level of Study*

  • School Priority

  • School Degree*

  • School Date Conferred or Expected

  • School Website

  • School Major*

  • School Major 2*

  • School Minor*

  • School GPA

  • School GPA Scale*

  • School Recalculated GPA

  • School Class Rank

  • School Class Size

  • School Credit Hours

  • School Language

  • School Honors*

  • School Awards

School Courses

  • School Course Name*

  • School Course Number

  • School Course Grade

  • School Course Semester Start Date

  • School Course Credits

  • School Course Type*

  • School Course Grade Level*

  • School Course Level*

  • School Course Term*


  • Job Organization

  • Job Industry*

  • Job Sector*

  • Job CEEB Code

  • Job Location Country

  • Job Location City

  • Job Location State

  • Job Start Date

  • Job End Date

  • Job Description

  • Job Title

  • Job Salary

  • Job Starting Salary

  • Job Bonus

  • Job Starting Bonus

  • Job Function*

  • Job Departure Reason

  • Job Phone

  • Job Order of Importance

  • Job Direct/Indirect Reports

  • Job Hours/Week

  • Job Website

  • Job Supervisor

  • Job Supervisor Title

  • Job Annual Revenue

  • Job Total Employees


  • Interest Type*

  • Interest Name*

  • Interest Role

  • Interest Country

  • Interest City

  • Interest State

  • Interest From Date

  • Interest To Date

  • Interest Frequency (hours/week)

  • Interest Frequency (weeks/year)

  • Interest Description

  • Interest Order of Importance


  • Sport*

  • Sport Rating*

  • Sport Position

  • Sport Notes

  • Sport Priority


  • Projects

  • Project Status*

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