Tasks and Task Notes
  • 17 Nov 2023
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Tasks and Task Notes

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Article summary

Once a project has been established, tasks can be assigned and associated with a user.

Tasks can also be accessed using the Tasks icon in the top-left corner of every Slate page (note that the displayed tasks are user-aware). New tasks can also be created using this icon, provided that permission to create tasks has been granted to the user.

Creating a Task

To assign tasks while viewing a project:

  1. Select New Task

  2. Enter the following configurations in the dialog box:

    • Status: Select a status for the task. The task status section list shares the same prompt list as the Project Status prompt list.

    • Subject: Enter the primary intent of the task. This subject is displayed to the administrative user after clicking the Tasks icon.

    • Deadline: Enter the deadline date for task completion.

    • Role: Select a role to limit the task to a custom role permission.

    • User: Select the administrative user responsible for completing the task.

    • Record: If the task relates to a record within Slate, search for the appropriate record.

    • Link Title: Link titles are necessary for tasks within Slate that are not connected to a Slate record, such as a task to update the "entry term" prompts. The link title masks the actual hyperlink to the prompts section of Slate. Think of the link title as the text displayed for a hyperlink. Rather than displaying "https://technolutions.com/," the displayed text might be more user-friendly, such as "Technolutions Website."

    • Link URL: The URL associated with the link title (above). The URL must link to a secured webpage (with "https://"). For instance, use "https://technolutions.com" rather than "technolutions.com."

    • Description: If further explanation of the task is necessary (apart from the subject), enter additional details in this section.

Associating notes with a Task

Use task notes to provide more detailed updates for a task as work progresses. This is especially useful if a single task involves multiple steps.

  1. Select New Note.

  2. Enter the following configurations in the dialog box:

    • Subject: Enter a subject for the note.

    • Task Status: Set or update the status for the task, if an update as a result of this note addition is warranted.

    • Notes: Add the description for the new note.

An added note includes a timestamp. Whenever the note is updated, the timestamp also updates.

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