Testing Document Exports
  • 15 Nov 2023
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Testing Document Exports

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Article summary

The document export query is configured to return only new documents each time the query is run.  The two options for testing document exports are:

  • Run Query

  • Run to SFTP 

Run Query

This option does not generate document files. This is very helpful in testing, providing a method of quickly returning a preview of the filename format, material settings, and records returned. This is a great option while testing, because it runs quickly and uses fewer resources than a full document export. 

  • Select Run Query to see query results.

Run to SFTP

When the the query results return the correct information in the correct format, it's time to fully test the document export by manually testing the document creation process.

  • Select Run to SFTP to manually test the document creation process.

  • Enter the word EXPORT in all caps into the dialog box. 

Accessing Files for Download

By selecting the Run to SFTP option, files are exported to the Technolutions SFTP servers. The two ways to access these files are:

  • Use the SFTP Explorer tool. Users with SFTP access can view files and download them from the designated folder to their desktop. To access this tool, go to the Database page, and select SFTP Explorer.


  • Use a client that supports the SFTP protocol. Set up a user account with the necessary credentials for the SFTP client to connect to the Slate SFTP servers.

Best Practice

Consider setting a row limit (10, for example) or adding a Test Tag filter to the query when testing. It is often easier to test with a smaller population. Remember to reconfigure the query when ready to officially use the document export.

Activating the Document Export

If satisfied with the results of testing and ready to activate, select Edit Properties on the query results page, then select Delete Run to remove the query result history.

Since the initial query run was for testing purposes, removing the run allows these documents to be included in the query again, provided the documents still meet the filter criteria.

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