- 13 Mar 2024
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Testing the Video Essay Process
- Updated 13 Mar 2024
- 2 minute read
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Always test new pages and processes prior to activation. Be sure to thoroughly test every aspect of the applicant experience while testing the video essay process. Rather than using the Impersonate > Applications link on the application record, create a test record and log in using an incognito window with the test account credentials.
Check the following items to make sure that the video essay page meets your expectations and provides a straightforward applicant experience.
Slate-Hosted Application Menu Link
Ensure that the video essay link appears in the application menu for a test applicant who is in the population configured to view the link.
Ensure that the video essay link does not appear in the application menu for a test applicant who is not in the population configured to view the link.
If the behavior does not meet expectations, confirm the page key configuration.
Slate-Hosted Application Submission Requirements
Confirm that the submission requirement appears on the review page prior to recording the video essay.
Confirm that the submission requirement appears on the review page when only the test recording is completed.
Confirm that the submission requirement does not appear on the review page once the video essay is completed.
Confirm that the submission requirement links to the correct page.
Confirm that the submission requirement does not appear for applicants who do not have access to the video essay page, or for applicants for whom the video essay is not required nor recommended.
If the behavior does not meet expectations, confirm the submission requirement configuration.
Status Page Links/Checklist Items
Confirm that the checklist item or teaser appears for the expected population.
Confirm that the checklist item or teaser does not appear for applicants who do not need to complete the video essay.
Confirm that the link to the video essay page directs applicants to the correct page.
Confirm that the checklist item is fulfilled by a completed video essay.
Confirm that the checklist item is not fulfilled by a test video essay.
If the behavior does not meet expectations, confirm the checklist/teaser settings. For checklists, also confirm the rule configuration used to add the checklist item or mark the checklist item as received.
Video Essay Page - Question Bank
Check that each question in the question bank appears as expected, especially for prompts that are using HTML. Since the prompts are displayed randomly from the question bank, the easiest way to confirm this is by deactivating all but one prompt.
If the questions are not displaying as desired, revisit the prompts to make adjustments as needed.
Video EssayPage - Applicant Experience
Confirm that the amount of time needed to read some of the longer prompts or watch any embedded videos is accounted for in the Preparation Time configuration.
Confirm that enough time is allotted in the Recording Time configuration to answer the questions as thoroughly as desired.
Confirm that any custom instructions appear and are formatted as desired.
If any adjustments are needed, revisit the Application Editor to modify the settings for the video essay page.
Once you have completed testing and are ready for the page to appear for applicants, remember to remove the Tag filter that was configured to find only test records from the page key configuration.