The Common Application Transfer Application
  • 16 Nov 2023
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The Common Application Transfer Application

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Article summary

The Common Application will begin sending Transfer files mid to late August. The Common Transfer source formats allow for the import of the new Common App Transfer data and documents.

PDFs are imported if an application with the matching Common App ID exists and the material type has been mapped in the TransferCommonAppMaterials source format.

Once these files are received from the Common Application, partners will be able to update the appropriate remap settings, including making any necessary changes and updating specific items such as the application round and entry term. Once the mappings are updated and confirmed, the Remap Active setting can be set to Active in the Source Formats tool.

For testing purposes, make all changes within production, and then refresh the test environment and activate the source formats there. If the applications are created in the expected way, activate the source formats in production.

Note: documents are not imported in the test environment.


The mapping of the Common App ID is integral to ensuring that the data and materials are imported to the appropriate record with the necessary timing. As such, it is very important that these fields are not changed from their default mappings, described below.

Transfer Common App Source Format

This source format will bring in the data file that will create the application. As such, the desired behavior is to match onto an existing record, if one exists.  The cas_id is mapped to the same Slate External ID field. Since the cas_id is unique to a person, but subsequent applications from the same person will have the same ID, the cas_id is not mapped to an application-scoped unique field.

This is how the cas_id source field is mapped:


The CommonAppID is mapped to the Common App ID unique application-scoped field. This field is used to match onto the appropriate application record during the import process. These mapped fields are what the subsequent data and PDF files from the Common Application use to match onto the appropriate application.


This source format will also include custom fields.  The custom fields will follow a naming convention like:  5047765645620007000_first_name.  The custom member fields are appended to the end of the file.

When configuring Slate destinations from the TransferCommonApp data, A round must be mapped via the "App: Round" destination to create an application.

Note: After you have mapped destinations, go to the Value Mappings page and click "Refresh Values" to see the source values that require translations.

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