The Common Application Transfer In-Progress Data Files
  • 16 Nov 2023
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The Common Application Transfer In-Progress Data Files

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Article summary

Institutions that are on the Common App custom platform receive these files. Like the CommonAppProspect source format for first-year files, this format contains information about applicants who have started but not yet submitted their Transfer Common Application.

Best Practice

Decide what Person Status you want to assign to your records.

For example, some institutions think of these records as prospects in Slate since these people have added your institution program to their “Add Programs” tab. Others think of these records as Inquiries in Slate. It is your choice.

By default, all records will be brought in as Prospects. If you would like to bring in records as Inquiries, then you may map a Static Value.

Mapping Guidelines

  • Do not map a destination for the Common App ID. This field should remain unmapped.

  • Do not map application Round information for this file.

  • Do not map applicant data. This is already mapped in the CommonApp Source Format.

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