The Opt Out Tag
  • 15 Jul 2024
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The Opt Out Tag

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Article summary

The Opt Out Tag unsubscribes person records from communications. When a record has the Opt Out Tag, communications will not be sent to the person unless the communication is transactional.

Setting an opt out tag

The following events cause the Opt Out Tag to be set:

  • Decision: the student receives a Decision that unsubscribes them from communications

  • Tag: staff add the Opt Out Tag to a person record

  • Upload Dataset: an import is ran with the Opt Out Tag mapped

  • Unsubscribe Request: an email client issues an unsubscribe request if a message is identified as spam

Decisions: The Opt Out Tag must be added to a Decision code for it to be applied to records. Common examples include if a Deny or Admit/Decline decision is made. This will ensure that those records do not receive future marketing emails. Transactional emails will continue to send, such as those related to a student's application, decision notifications, or as a result of an action that a student completed.

Unsetting an opt out tag

The following events cause the Opt Out Tag to be unset:

  • Starting an Application: the student starts a new application or reapplies

  • Form Submission: the student submits a person-scoped form, such as a Request for Information or Event Registration

  • Manually Unset: staff unsets the tag on a person record

  • Upload Dataset: an import is ran with the Opt Out Tag mapped

Applications: The Opt Out Tag will be unset when any type of application is created for a record in Slate. This includes applications created through Upload Dataset, meaning a Static Mapping to remove the Opt Out tag is not needed.

If two records share the same email address, the opt out tag will impact both records if an opt out tag is set on one record. The action will not be reflected on the other record.

Unsubcribes on Person Records

From a person record, clicking Unsubscribes opens the Unsubscribe Management Page, which presents a list of possible Unsubcribes. Users can edit the Unsubscribes for that record.

Student Record with Opt Out Group Tag

When students follow an unsubscribe link and do not select the "all future communications" option, they are only unsubscribing from emails where the specified unsubscribe group is selected. By default, the all communications option is unselected. If the student chooses that option, a warning notification is displayed to the students before submitting the request.

Students must request via SMS/text message to unsubscribe from that communication type.

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