- 21 Nov 2023
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The Slate Template Library (Legacy)
- Updated 21 Nov 2023
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Important! Configurable Joins Exports & Filters
All new queries should be built using Configurable Joins. To get started with querying with configurable joins, refer to:
Make Exports and Filters locally available in the Query Tool (for users who do not have the Slate Template Library permission) by using the Slate Template Library. The Slate Template Library provides easy access to a number of Slate resources.
How to Access the Slate Template Library
Click Database in the top navigation bar and select Slate Template Library.
Click Show/Hide to 'Add' any item from the Slate Template Library. Some of the most commonly items added fall into these categories:
Query Standard Exports and/or Query Standard Filters - Most standard fields provided in Slate will have a corresponding export and/or filter.
Query Custom Exports and/or Query Custom Filters - Most custom field that has been created will have a corresponding export and/or filter created once the Slate Template Library is refreshed.
Query Test Score Exports and/or Query Test Score Filters - Exports and filters are available for items such as "Highest Overall Max", "Highest Verified Max", "Highest Overall Total" in relation to the various types of test scores (i.e. SAT R, GRE, TOEFL, etc.).
*Filters will not be created for any text fields.
Only add exports and filters that are needed for regular business needs. The more exports and filters added, the more likely users will be confused and overwhelmed by the options.
Add a filter and/or export by clicking the Add link.
Note that exports are added as a block of objects. For example, adding the Mailing Address Query Standard Export block will include all mailing address items, including street and city.
Click the Add link. Important: Do Not change items that appear in the pop-up window. If prompted to select a Base, choose the base on which this export will be used.
Click Save to finish adding the resource to the instance.Use the Search Box to quickly find matching resources. Click the refresh the Slate Template Library link at the top of the Slate Template Library for items recently added (e.g. a new field).
The Prospects Details Query Custom Export block will add any custom fields as exports.
What can be exported?
All custom fields can be exported, but filters are only available for custom fields that use prompts or are configured with one of the following data types: Date/Time, Date, Int, or Real.