TMS Link
  • 23 Apr 2024
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TMS Link

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Article summary

📝 Note

TMS has been acquired by Nelnet. We will be working with each customer that has an existing TMS integration on migrating to the new Nelnet Payment Form approach. We will open a Support Ticket and reach out with the relevant details.

 To integrate with TMS Link:

Please provide the following information:

  • Extended URL that they call an "intelligent link" - this will include the fields that need to be sent such as Store ID, TransInfo codes and values, itemcodes, etc.

  • If you are using the UAT environment at TMS, please make sure to include explicitly the test Store ID and confirm the UAT payment URL for us.

  • For each custom value that we should pass to TMS, define the source in Slate (i.e. send us the field name and the specific Slate field key).

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