TouchNet Ready/TLink
  • 23 Apr 2024
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TouchNet Ready/TLink

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Article summary

Slate is a TouchNet Ready Partner, which means that we support connecting to TouchNet using their TLink service (this is similar to connecting to a UPay site, but there's a web service component as well).

At present, TouchNet prefers to kick off a project for each TouchNet Ready implementation, with one or more phone meetings and a project document called a Data Gathering Guide. It is not necessary for us to join those meetings -- the completed Data Gathering Guide contains all of the URLs and IDs that we need.

📝 Note

The Touchnet Ready program is the only integration method that Touchnet supports at this time.

To integrate with TouchNet Ready /TLink:

Please provide the following information (via a Support Ticket):

  • The completed Data Gathering Guide

  • If there are multiple uPay sites, we need to know how to determine which site ID to send (e.g. use a particular site ID based on the selected round or program or payment account prompt value).

  • If you need us to pass custom information to TouchNet, please indicate this in your initial ticket and outline which field(s) in TouchNet (e.g. EXT_TRANS_ID, PAYER_ID etc.)

    • Custom information is usually required when you are collecting 'Deposit' payments and TouchNet itself is integrating with your SIS (e.g. General Ledger updates).

    • Please make sure to point this out to us in your ticket and give us additional context.

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