Transfer Objects
  • 10 Apr 2024
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Transfer Objects

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Article summary

Transfer Objects provides granular control over which specific person-related data elements can be moved from one record to another. When an object is moved, associated linked data moves along with it. For example, when moving Gift Opportunities or Schools, any notes or materials associated with the opportunity or school will also move to the destination record.

This tool is "Unsafe," meaning that field settings do not need to be updated to "Unsafe" to transfer the selected data.

Transferring Objects

To find the Transfer Objects tool, select Database on the top navigation bar and select Transfer Objects under Import and Data Processing.

Two search bars appear at the top of the Transfer Objects tool. The searches are limited to person records in the database and are used to find a source record and a destination record for the transfer.

  • Source Record: The record containing the object to be moved.

  • Destination Record: The record that will contain the object once it is moved.

Enter the name, Slate Reference ID, or email address to find the Source Record and Destination Record for the transfer. The records must be selected from the autosuggest list generated by the search. Once a record has been selected, the View Source Record and View Destination Record links can be used to open the selected records.

The Object Types section appears on the right side of the page. This section provides a list of the objects that are available to be transferred, along with an overview link that becomes active after selecting one of the Object Types links. On the Overview page, Slate displays the total count of each object on the record.

Selecting an Object Type displays the individual objects on each record. This view enables a comparison of the information on the source record to the information on the destination record.

Click on an individual object to display a View Details popup with more detailed information. If the selected object is on the source record, a Move to Destination Record button will appear.

👀 Don’t see “Move to Destination Record”?

Objects selected on the destination record side will not display a Move to Destination Record button.

To move the selected object to the destination record, click Move to Destination Record. A confirmation popup will appear. Click OK to confirm the object transfer or Cancel to abandon the transfer. The object is then copied to the destination record and deleted from the source record.

✨ Tip

A link to Transfer Objects is also available from within Consolidate Records. When comparing two records, please note the Advanced link in the bottom right hand corner, which opens this tool and allows for greater control of transferring specific objects between two records before actually merging the records in question. If an object is moved to a destination record in error, and the object needs to be returned to the original source record, return to Consolidate Records and switch the Master record with the Duplicate record. Then when selecting Advanced, the Source record and the Destination record will also be switched.

Pay close attention to the different order of the display of records in question: Master/Duplicate (in Consolidate Records) vs. Source/Destination (in Transfer Objects).


  1. Select the source and destination records from the search bars.

  2. Click the View Source Record and View Destination Record links to make that the correct records have been selected.

  3. Select an object type that you want to transfer from the source record to the destination record.

  4. Review the selected object and confirm that it should be moved.

  5. On the Source Record list, click the object to move. A View Details popup appears.

  6. Click Move to Destination Record and OK to move the object to the destination record.

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