Trigger Selection
  • 16 Nov 2023
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Trigger Selection

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Article summary

Person Triggers

Rules on the Prospects/Person base of the following types require Trigger selection:

  • Bin

  • Field

  • Interaction

  • Project Task

  • Tag

The trigger selection options are:



Upon Update (Deferred)

will run within approximately 20 minutes after a record is updated.

Upon Person Update (Overnight Processing)

will run overnight when a record was updated during the day.

Application Triggers

 Rules on the Applications/Application base of the following types require Trigger selection:

  • Activity

  • Bin

  • Checklist

  • Decision

  • Field

  • Project Task

  • Tag

The trigger selection options are:



Upon Update (Deferred)

will run within approximately 20 minutes after a record is updated.

Upon Application Submission Only

will only run at the time that the application is submitted. It will run immediately upon application submission.

Upon Application Update (Overnight Processing)

will run overnight when an application was updated during the day.

The submission trigger is typically used for application fees (and any other items that will not change if the application is updated).

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