Troubleshooting Misconfigured Fields
  • 04 Apr 2024
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Troubleshooting Misconfigured Fields

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Article summary

When building new fields in Slate, users should reference the Fields and Prompts documentation to ensure that the correct settings are selected before data is stored in these fields. However, when troubleshooting is necessary, several steps can be taken.

This article outlines helpful resources for identifying and correcting misconfigured fields.

I can't find my fields at all!

Just created a field and need to use it on a form or query right away? Cached values are refreshed approximately every 5 minutes in production—once refreshed, any new fields and prompts will be made available for use throughout forms and queries. If the field is needed instantly, force-refresh the cache by navigating to Database > Fields and clicking on the force-refresh hyperlink. You'll see a message that reads "OK" acknowledging that the field is now available for use. If your field uses new prompts, you'll need to repeat the process in Database > Prompts.

How to Identify Misconfigured Fields

Field Configuration Tool

A standard query exists in the Standard Query Library, which identifies custom fields that may be misconfigured. To access this query, take the following steps:

  1. Click Database in the top navigation bar and select Standard Query Library.

  2. Click Field Configuration Review.

  3. Click Refresh Results in the top right corner.

  4. Download the results of this query to Excel by clicking Download to Excel if desired.

Use this tool to identify any custom fields that have potential misconfigurations. Please note that this list identifies potential misconfigured fields, so it is best practice to double-check the field settings in Database > Fields before any corrective action is taken.

Queries and Displays

In some instances, a field that is misconfigured will display a long string of characters (otherwise known as the prompt GUID) rather than the intended stored value. This likely implies that the field is incorrectly set to "Store Value":


In a query, a field incorrectly configured in this manner may display like the following (This value might also display on the person record, either on a custom tab or on a customized dashboard):


Correct Data

Best Practice

Attempt the correction of data in the Test instance before doing so in Production in order to gain familiarity with this process.

Creating a New Field

If the Value or Scope settings of a field should be corrected after data has been saved in that field:

  • A multi-value field should be changed to a single-value field

  • The scope of a field should change (i.e., from Application to Person)

Then the following recommended steps should be taken (This method will retain the original data in the original, inactive field for future reference.):

  1. Click Database in the top navigation bar and select Fields.

  2. Create a new field with the correct settings.

  3. Within the Fields tool, click the force-refresh link at the top of the page.

  4. Create a quick query via the Query tool. Include the Application Slate ID export if the new field is application-scoped or the Prospect ID export if the field is person-scoped. Be sure to include the export for the misconfigured field.

  5. Run the query and export to an Excel Spreadsheet.

  6. Use Upload Dataset to bring the data back into the database, using the Application Slate ID or Prospect ID exports/columns to map to the appropriate application or person record. Important: Map the column containing the data in the misconfigured field to the new, correctly configured field, if one was created.

  7. Refresh the Slate Template Library to activate new filters and exports for the new field. 

  8. Use the Export/Filter References tool in the Database to identify which queries, widgets, reports, and/or forms need to be updated to reference the new field.

  9. Set the old field to 'Inactive'.

Update an Existing Field

It is also possible to update an existing field to be configured correctly using a similar process as outlined above. Use this method if the field value setting should be updated from Store Value or Store Prompt ID. This process should only be followed if overwriting the existing data is acceptable (Use this method if the field value setting should be updated from Store Value or Store Prompt ID):

  1. Export the field data along with the Prospect ID or Application Slate ID.

  2. Correct the field Value setting using the Fields tool.

  3. Within the Fields tool, click the force-refresh link at the top of the page.

  4. Refresh the Slate Template Library to update the filters and exports related to the corrected field.

  5. Use Upload Dataset to re-import the records, mapping the Prospect ID or Application Slate ID as well as the appropriate field and value(s).

  6. Use the Export/Filter References tool in the Database to identify which queries, widgets, reports, and/or forms may need to be edited to pull in the corrected field values.

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