Troubleshooting Scanning (Slate Desktop, Slate Acquire, Batch Acquire)
  • 09 Nov 2023
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Troubleshooting Scanning (Slate Desktop, Slate Acquire, Batch Acquire)

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Article summary

Batch Acquire, the batch scanning utility in Slate, is a process that is highly dependent upon local factors, including scanner hardware, scanner drivers, the version of .NET Framework installed, the anti-virus software installed, the network user account, domain group policies, memory availability, corruption of the local application cache, and a host of other factors. These different factors can present as similar issues, which means troubleshooting Batch Acquire requires a multi-pronged approach. Since our ability to troubleshoot local equipment is limited, we recommend using this article in conjunction with institutional IT resources.

If difficulties persist with any local equipment configurations, we recommend scanning any documents to your local computer/network using your scanner's native interface. These PDF documents can then be uploaded to Slate digitally in a batch via Batch Acquire, or individually on a person record interface.


Microsoft ended Mainstream support for Windows 7 in January 2015 and Windows 8 in January 2018. They no longer supply non-security updates for either of these operating systems, and by extension to the TWAIN or .NET Framework upon which Slate Acquire is based. If your issues persist after consulting the gudes in this article, it may be necessary to upgrade to Windows 10.

Specific error messages

Application cannot be started. Contact the application vendor.

If the error is limited to a specific user on a specific workstation, this likely indicates corruption of the local application cache which will need to be reset.

Open a command prompt and run the following commands:

rundll32 dfshim CleanOnlineAppCache
rmdir /s %localappdata%\apps\2.0

If an "Access is denied" message appears, reboot the computer and then open a command prompt immediately upon restarting (prior to accessing Slate) to ensure that there are no files actively in use.

Slate Acquire has stopped working

This error message is typically caused by an error in either the Microsoft TWAIN system or .NET Framework as it's trying to pass data from the scanner driver to the Slate Acquire software. Because the error originates from the operating system, the solution will depend upon your specific circumstances.

Operating System or Software


Windows 7 and 8 operating systems

On Windows 7 and 8 operating systems, it may be necessary to repair the Windows Update installation and apply any outstanding system updates. 

  1. As an administrator, open a command prompt and execute the following statement:

    %systemroot%\system32\regsvr32.exe %systemroot%\system32\wuaueng.dll
  2. Manually update the "Windows Update" software by following the appropriate instructions from -

Windows 7 SP 1 systems

For some Windows 7 SP 1 systems the following updates may need to be applied manually:

  1. July 2016 update rollup for Windows 7 SP1 -

  2. Remove software related to the Windows 10 free upgrade offer -

Fujitsu scanner and the PaperStream IP scanning software

Systems using a Fujitsu scanner and the PaperStream IP scanning software may experience this error when selecting a non-Custom Scanner Preset in the New Material dialog box. To test this:

  1. When adding a new material to a record in Slate, select the scanner preset "custom."

  2. When the PaperStream IP dialog appears, click the drop-down menu in the upper left corner and make an explicit profile selection from the list.

  3. If the scan proceeds without error, edit the [000: Current Setting] profile and reset it to the default values.

 Technolutions Slate: An error has occurred while uploading this batch

This error occurs because of a misconfiguration of the .NET Framework. Follow the instructions below to repair and reset it.



Repair the Microsoft .NET Framework

Microsoft provides a tool that can be downloaded here: 

Reset the Microsoft .NET Framework

  1. In the Control Panel, in the section Programs and Features, uninstall everything that starts with "Microsoft .NET," starting with the newest versions first.

  2. In the same window, click "Turn Windows features on or off." Uncheck any ".NET Framework" options currently selected. 

  3. If the uninstall fails, download the .NET Framework Cleanup Tool. Details for using this can be found in this article:

  4. Restart the computer.

  5. Return to Programs and Features and re-enable the .NET Framework options within the "Turn Windows features on or off" menu.

  6. Install the latest Microsoft .NET Framework

Install the latest Microsoft .NET Framework

  1. Download the offline installer for the latest .NET Framework Runtime version:

  2. Execute the downloaded file to start the installation process.

Modify Security Packages via the Registry Editor

  1. Reboot the computer.

  2. Open a command prompt and run the sfc /scannow command.

  3. Run Windows Update, and ensure that all of the latest security updates have been installed.

  4. Open the Registry Editor and navigate to the following key:

  5. Update the Security Packages Multi-String value to have the following items, in order, and reboot the computer (see image below for reference):

    1. Kerberos

    2. msv1_0

    3. schannel

    4. wdigest

    5. tspkg

    6. pku2u

    7. livessp

  Still not resolved?Your content goes here

If these steps fail to resolve the issue, check the details of the error message "A call to SSPI failed, see inner exception." If you see "The requested security package does not exist," it may be necessary to edit the registry to explicitly enable them.

General Guidelines

To ensure that there aren't any driver issues, and to reset the TWAIN system, we recommend resetting the drivers for the imaging device.

We also recommend ensuring that the latest version of the .NET Framework is installed on the computer, and in some very rare cases this might require either repairing or resetting the Microsoft .NET Framework. Please contact the organization's local IT support with any difficulties during these steps.



Reset TWAIN drivers for the imaging device

  1. In Device Manager, uninstall the driver for the imaging device. Select Delete the driver files.

  2. In the Control Panel, in the section Programs and Features, uninstall all current scanner drivers, softwares, and the Technolutions Slate Desktop software.

  3. Delete all contents from the %windir%/twain_32 directory (for example, C:\Windows\twain_32).

  4. Restart the computer.

  5. Open the browser, navigate to the manufacturer's website and download only the TWAIN drivers (32 bit is preferable).

  6. If possible, extract the contents of the setup file and manually install the driver via Printers and Scanners, as this will minimize any conflicts with proprietary software; otherwise, proceed with a traditional installation.

Repair the Microsoft .NET Framework

Microsoft provides a tool which can be downloaded - 

Reset the Microsoft .NET Framework

  1. In the Control Panel, in the section Programs and Features, uninstall everything that starts with "Microsoft .NET," starting with the newest versions first.

  2. In the same window, click "Turn Windows features on or off." Uncheck any ".NET Framework" options currently selected. 

  3. If the uninstall fails, download the .NET Framework Cleanup Tool. Details for using this can be found in this article:

  4. Restart the computer.

  5. Return to Programs and Features and re-enable the .NET Framework options within the "Turn Windows features on or off" menu.

  6. Install the latest Microsoft .NET Framework

Install the latest Microsoft .NET Framework

  1. Download the offline installer for the latest .NET Framework Runtime version -

  2. Execute the downloaded file to start the installation process.

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