Unlinked Records in Consolidate Records
  • 14 Mar 2024
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Unlinked Records in Consolidate Records

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Article summary

Consolidate Records evaluates the following unlinked records: 

  • School Records that are not associated with an Organizations dataset record.

  • Relationship records that are not associated with existing person records to allow users to assess the potential matches and link the appropriate records.

  • Job records that are not associated with an Employers dataset record.

Unlinked School Records

Consolidate Records evaluates school records that are not associated with an Organizations dataset record. This typically occurs when a school record exists for a person but the CEEB code does not exist. 

  1. Select Database on the top navigation bar and select Consolidate Records.

  2. Select Refresh All or Refresh the Unlinked Schools section .

  3. Select a category and compare the master record with the alias record as you would with person records. After a determination has been made, use one of the following option:

    • Link - Adds the CEEB code to the unlinked school record

    • Link and Update - Adds the CEEB code to the unlinked school AND updates the following values from the Organizations Dataset:

      • School: Location - City

      • School: Location - Region

      • School: Location - Country 

    • Exclude - Excludes this potential match from appearing within Consolidate Records going forward

Consolidate records also evaluates the school records of Relationship records that are not associated with an Organizations dataset record. Follow the same process as stated above, however notice the following differences:

Best Practice

Unless there is a specific reason why the School: Location fields should contain different values, use the Link and Update option for these fields to inherit the values from the Organizations Dataset. 

When data is imported or a form is submitted, if School: Key is mapped, a lookup is performed to capture the organization's name, city, region, and country. These items are only used in the absence of this data from the import or form submission.

For example, if School: Location City is mapped and has a value for the school object, then the value from the import/form submission would be used instead of the value from the Organizations dataset record. School: Location Region and School: Location Country are the other two mappable values that would override the Organizations dataset record location for the school object.

Unlinked Relationship Records

Consolidate Records evaluates relationship records that are not associated with existing person records to allow users to assess the potential matches and link the appropriate records.

  1. Select Database on the top navigation bar and select Consolidate Records.

  2. Select Refresh All or Refresh the Unlinked Relationships section .

  3. Select a category and compare the master record with the alias record as you would with person records. Select the appropriate inverse relationship, and, after a determination has been made, use one of the following option:

    • Link - Links the relationship record to the matched person record

    • Exclude - Excludes this potential match from appearing within Consolidate Records going forward

Unlinked Job Records

Consolidate Records evaluates job records that are not associated with an Employers dataset record. This functionality requires a custom dataset that has a 'Type' of  job but is similar to the linking process for  Unlinked Schools.

  1. Select Database on the top navigation bar and select Consolidate Records.

  2. Select Refresh All or Refresh the Unlinked Jobs section .

  3. Select a category and compare the master record with the alias record as you would with person records. After a determination has been made, use one of the following option:

    • Link - Adds the employers dataset key to the unlinked job record

    • Link and Update - Adds the employers dataset key to the unlinked job record AND updates the following values from the Employers Dataset:

      • Job: Location - City

      • Job: Location - Region

      • Job: Location - Country 

    • Exclude - Excludes this potential match from appearing within Consolidate Records going forward

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