UTC Timezone Offset
  • 26 Feb 2024
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UTC Timezone Offset

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Article summary

Slate currently uses Microsoft’s Time Zone Index Values to set the time zone for events. However, some of Microsoft’s time zone names do not align with commonly accepted time zone names. Two examples are:

  • “(GMT+04:00) Abu Dhabi, Muscat” being named “Arabian Standard Time,” which is often confused with Arab Standard Time, Arabia Standard Time, or Arabic Standard Time, which are (GMT+03:00).

  • The time zone for London and Abu Dhabi is more commonly named “Gulf Standard Time.” and British Summer Time (UTC + 1:00).

The timezone name export does not distinguish between standard and daylight times, and the timezone offset field is not available in form communications.

Option 1: Content Blocks

Consider using a content block snippet that uses the {{Form-Timezone}} merge field and converts the merge field to the exact text that should be displayed.

For example, the snippet could take the text "GMT Daylight Time" and convert it to "UTC + 1:00" or "British Summer Time (UTC + 1:00)" This would allow one to include the time zone label that will display on outgoing communications and the appropriate offset.​

  1. Create the snippet and establish the value of what you are looking to display.

  2. Once the value is set, you will add in content or language to display in the snippet window.
    In this case, we have set up Daylight Time as the key, British Summer Time as the value, and when that value is selected it will display UTC + 1:00.

Further reading:

Content block snippets

Option 2: Translation Codes

Translation Codes allow you to take any value and change it to display as something else. 

You may be familiar with Export Values on Prompts. For example, you may have an entry term option Fall 2020, and your SIS expects F20, so you configure this as an Export Value on the Prompt.

Translation Codes work in much the same way. Translation Codes are associated with a key, much like Prompts, that groups the codes together and can be used with any value - not just prompt-based custom fields.

  1. All Translation Codes with the same key have the same Value Type. When you create a New Key, you will have to select the Value Type for all of your translation codes.

  2. The Value Type - String (Discrete Values) takes a single string value, which means that this translation Code will have a one-to-one relationship with the potential values.

  3. Click New Translation Code to add codes to the Translation Key group.

  4. Each Translation Code can have up to five Export Values configured, so the same Translation Codes can be used for multiple systems or multiple fields within the same system.

Further reading:

Translation codes

Option 3: Liquid Markup

Use Liquid Markup to display British Summer Time (BST) in place of GMT Daylight Time.

{% if {{Form-Timezone}} contains 'GMT Daylight Time' %}British Summer Time (UTC + 1:00){% else %}{{Form-Timezone}}{% endif %}

Below is a liquid markup used within an event communication. We've included two options below that may be used throughout the year. 

March to late October

{% if {{Form-Timezone}} contains 'GMT Time' %}British Summer Time (UTC + 1:00){% else %}{{Form-Timezone}}{% endif %}

November to late March

{% if {{Form-Timezone}} contains 'GMT Time' %}GMT Standard Time (UTC){% else %}{{Form-Timezone}}{% endif %}

Keep track of when BST begins each year to adjust accordingly. 

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