Vericant Integration
  • 01 Apr 2024
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Vericant Integration

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Article summary

Vericant offers recorded, in-person interviews for international applicants. In addition to the interview video, Vericant also provides a writing sample, and for high school institutions, Spoken English Evaluation (SEE) score. If your institution is interested in becoming a Vericant partner, please visit Vericant Verified Video Interviews.

Vericant is partnering with ETS to provide a temporary solution (TOEFL ITP Plus) for students in China who are unable to participate in the standard TOEFL iBT test due to testing suspensions there. This solution combines the existing paper-delivered TOEFL ITP Level 1 test with a short, unscored video speaking interview provided by Vericant. More information about this can be found on this ETS website and this Vericant website.

To accommodate the TOEFL ITP Level 1 score data, an additional test type has been added to the Slate Template Library. For more information, please see the TOEFL ITP Plus for China section under Slate Configurations below.

Slate Configurations

Vericant SEE scores (high schools only), video endpoints, and writing samples can be imported into Slate using a Document Import Processor (DIP) source format. A Reader Tab Group can also be configured to display the interview video. Perform the steps described below to configure integration with Vericant.

User Account

The user account will provide Vericant access to the /incoming/vericant/, /incoming/processed/vericant/, and /outgoing/vericant/ SFTP directories. These directories are created by Slate automatically as they are needed. For example, the /incoming/vericant/ directory is created the first time the Vericant source format (added in a step below) checks for new files.

  1. Select Database on the top navigation bar and select Slate Template Library.

  2. Add the Vericant Service Account user. No changes should be made to the user account.

Vericant Spoken English Evaluation Test Type (high schools only)

The test type stores the Vericant SEE score results. The SEE score is sent only to high school institutions.

  1. Select Database on the top navigation bar and select Slate Template Library.

  2. Add the  Vericant Spoken English Evaluation test type. No changes should be made to the test type.

TOEFL ITP Plus for China

Vericant continues to conduct regular Vericant interviews during this time, and these results will continue to be reported as normal, without TOEFL ITP score components.

To import the TOEFL ITP score component data, the TOEFL ITP Level 1 test type must be added from the Slate Template Library.

  1. Select Database on the top navigation bar and select Slate Template Library.

  2. Add the  TOEFL ITP Level 1 test type. No changes should be made to the test type.
    Note : If you do not see this test type, use the refresh the Slate Template Library  link at the top of the page to refresh the library.

Writing Sample Material Type

If you already have a material type that you would like to use to store these documents, this step is unnecessary. Note for undergraduate and  graduate institutions: Scores sent to undergraduate or graduate institutions as part of the TOEFL ITP Plus for China solution will not include a writing sample. Regular Vericant interviews will continue to include the writing sample.

  1. Select Database on the top navigation bar and select Materials.

  2. Create a material type to store the Vericant writing sample PDFs.

Custom Fields

Use custom fields to store the embed URL and the Vericant ID. 

  1. Select Database on the top navigation bar and select Fields.

  2. Create a person-scoped custom field to store the Vericant Embed URL.  Note: The embed URL can be included on a Reader Tab so that readers can view the video recording of the interview. Instructions to configure the Reader Tab are provided in a later step.


  3. Create a person-scoped custom unique field to store the Vericant ID.  Note: This ID allows updates from Vericant to more easily match onto the correct record in Slate. It also allows future exports that are sent to Vericant to match the appropriate record.


Source Format

This source format imports Vericant data that is shared with your institution. The source format polls the vericant SFTP directory for ZIP files every 15 minutes. When a file is found, it is pushed automatically into Upload Dataset for processing.

  1. Select Database on the top navigation bar and select Source Format Library.

  2. Add the Vericant source format.

  3. Once a file is received from Vericant, configure the Remap settings. Many items have been pre-mapped. As always, feel free to customize how the data will be imported. Note : Be sure to map the custom fields that you created in the previous step. It is recommended that you use the Unsafe Override setting to ensure that records with active applications will have these fields set by this source format.


  4. The writing sample PDFs are imported using the Custom: Material Code and Custom: Material Filename destinations, which have been pre-mapped. To import the PDF documents, these mappings cannot be changed. 


    On the Value Mappings page, be sure to map the Writing Samples value to the material type that you would like to use to store these documents.  Note : If you do not map a material type, the documents will appear in Batch Acquire for manual processing.


  5. Set the Remap Active flag to Active on the source format once you are finished customizing the mappings. This runs the import using the Remap settings configured above for all files uploaded on or after the Remap As Of Date. No other changes should be made to the source format settings .


Reader Tab Group

The Reader Tab displays within the Reader. It allows readers to view the SEE score, interview details, and watch the video recording of the interview.

  1. Select Database on the top navigation bar and select Reader Tab Groups.

  2. Click  Insert.

  3. Select  Link as the Type.

  4. Set the URL to be the merge field for the custom field you made above (such as {{vericant_url}}).

  5. Give the tab a Name (such as Vericant Interview).

  6. Set the Order that the tab should appear in the Reader.

  7. Optional: If you want the tab to only appear if the applicant has a value in the Vericant Embed URL field, select your Applications base, and use the Field Value Exists filter with the Vericant Embed URL field selected.


With the configurations above, all applicants with the Vericant Embed URL field have a Reader Tab with the embedded video within the Reader.

Checklist Items (optional)

If you would like to use a checklist item that can be fulfilled by the Vericant interview, you may do so using a checklist rule.

  1. Select Database on the top navigation bar and select Rules Editor.

  2. Create a new rule:

    • Population: Applications

    • Type: Checklist

    • Trigger: Upon Update (Deferred)


  3. Use the same  Field Value Exists filter referenced in the Vericant Reader Tab Group section above to find records that have a value for the Vericant Embed URL.

  4. Select the checklist item that you wish to fulfill under the Checklist dropdown menu.

  5. Select Mark Existing as Received under the Action list.


  6. Save the rule, then test it while it is in the Preview status using Preview Actions. Once you are satisfied, activate the rule.

Vericant Configuration

Provide SFTP Username to Vericant

Vericant staff will configure your account to send data to Slate. You simply need to provide the Slate username for the Vericant Service Account that you added to Slate in the Slate Configurations section above.

The username is unique to your Slate database and will follow the pattern: vericant@{{your subdomain}}, for example [email protected], and it is visible  within Slate when viewing the SFTP connection settings (on the Roles tab) for the Vericant Service Account on the User Permissions page.  Note: Only users with the Security Administrator permission have access to this page. mceclip0.png

Vericant will place files directly into the /incoming/vericant/ SFTP directory, which is where the Vericant source format (added in the Slate Configurations above) is configured to sweep automatically for new files. The first time the source format sweeps for new files, this directory is added. This typically occurs within approximately 15 minutes of adding the source format.  Note : Only Active source formats check for new files.

If you have questions about the Vericant configurations, send an email to Vericant support (email address: [email protected] using the subject [Slate Support]).

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