VidCruiter Integration
  • 04 Feb 2025
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VidCruiter Integration

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Article summary

VidCruiter provides a recorded video interview service for applicants. For more information about VidCruiter, please see the VidCruiter website. If your institution accepts VidCruiter video interviews, this article will enumerate the steps involved for the VidCruiter integration with Slate.

The integration with VidCruiter is bidirectional. Slate sends data for the application records that you identify to VidCruiter using an export configured as a Web service. Once the applicant completes the interview, VidCruiter sends Slate the URL, using an API call that is configured as a source format. This URL can be configured to display the VidCruiter profile and video within the Reader using a Reader Tab Group. Perform the steps outlined below to configure integration with VidCruiter.

Slate Configurations

Custom Fields

Two custom fields must be created: one stores the flag that determines that the record should be sent to VidCruiter; the other stores the VidCruiter Video URL used to display the interview in a Reader Tab (more information on configuring the Reader Tab is provided later in this article).

Vidcruiter Flag

The VidCruiter Flag field must be created exactly as described below. This field is referenced in the data export to determine which records should be sent to VidCruiter.

  1. Select Database on the top navigation bar and select Fields.

  2. Select Insert.

  3. Configure the field settings:

    • Scope: Application

    • ID: vidcruiter_flag

    • Name: Provide a descriptive name, such as VidCruiter Flag

    • Prompt: bit

    • Value: Store Value

    • Multiple: Single Value

  4. Select Save.

Vidcruiter Profile URL

The VidCruiter Profile URL field will store the URL to view the VidCruiter Profile that is imported through the source format. 

  1. Select Database on the top navigation bar and select Fields.

  2. Select Insert.

  3. Configure the field settings:

    • Scope: Application

    • ID: Provide a logical ID, such as vidcruiter_profile

    • Name: Provide a descriptive name, such as VidCruiter Profile URL

    • Value: Store Value

    • Multiple: Single value

    • Unique for Merging: Do not use value for merging

  4. Select Save.

Data Export

A query with the Web services configurations necessary for VidCruiter is available to add from the Slate Template Library. Once you provide your VidCruiter account representative with the unique Web services endpoint associated with the export, VidCruiter will be able to fetch the data from Slate to import the record into their system.

The query utilizes a timestamp parameter, so VidCruiter will only retrieve new records that have had their VidCruiter Flag fields set since the timestamp specified in the Web service call.


The standard query was configured to the specifications required by VidCruiter. To ensure that the integration works as expected, it is important that the exports and filter used are not changed except as described below.

  1. Select Database on the top navigation bar and select Slate Template Library.

  2. Add the VidCruiter Query.

  3. Go to the Shared / Library query folder to find the new query.

  4. Replace the Program literal with an export that identifies the program for the application (such as the Application Round export or Major export). Note: It is important that the Name of the export is changed to Program.

  5. Select Edit Permissions, then select Add Grantee.

  6. Configure the web services settings:

    • Type: User Token

    • Name: Provide a descriptive name, such as VidCruiter User Token

    • Permissions: Select Web Service.

  7. Select Save, then close the Edit Permissions window.

  8. Select the JSON Web Services link at the top of the Edit Query page.

  9. Select the user token you created as the Service Account. Make sure the Authorization Type is set to Query String. With these options selected, copy the URL and send it to your VidCruiter account representative.

Source Format

The VidCruiter source format automatically fetches the VidCruiter Profile URL for the records sent to VidCruiter with the data export.

  1. Ask your VidCruiter account representative for your institution's unique API endpoint.

  2. In Slate, add the VidCruiter source format from the Source Format Library.

  3. Paste the URL received from VidCruiter into the Import Remote Server field in the source format.

    Note: Do not paste the URL into a web browser. VidCruiter marks records with an exported flag, so if the URL is accessed outside of the Slate process, the records received through the URL access will not be sent to Slate.

  4. Configure the Remap settings for this source format. ApplicationID is pre-mapped. Be sure to map the ShareableProfileUrlsource field to the VidCruiter Profile URL field that you created earlier.

  5. Select Database on top navigation bar and select Source Formats.

  6. Edit the VidCruiter source format to set the Remap Active flag to Active. This runs the import using the Remap settings configured above for all files uploaded on or after the Remap As Of Date value.

Reader Tab Group

The VidCruiter profile URL can be used within the Reader to display the VidCruiter profile and allow users to watch the interview while reviewing applicants.

  1. Select Database on the top navigation bar and select Reader Tab Groups.

  2. Select Insert.

  3. Select Link as the Type.

  4. Set the URL to be the merge field for the custom field you made and mapped above (for example, {{vidcruiter_profile}})

  5. Give the tab a Name (for example, VidCruiter).

  6. Set the Order that the tab should appear within the Reader.

  7. (optional) If you want the tab to only appear if the applicant has a value in the VidCruiter Profile URL field, select your Applications base, and then use the Field Value Exists filter with the VidCruiter Profile URL field selected.

With the configurations above, all applicants that have the VidCruiter URL field will have a Reader Tab with the embedded video within the Reader.

Rules (optional)

The following rules are optional, depending on your institution's processes.

Set VidCruiter Flag

The VidCruiter Flag field is what tells the VidCruiter data export that a record should be sent to VidCruiter. This field can be set manually; via a data import; through a field on a form or application; or automatically using a rule. If all applications that meet specific criteria should always have the VidCruiter Flag set, then a rule can be used to automate setting the flag using a field rule.

  1. Select Database on the top navigation bar and select Rules Editor.

  2. Create a new rule:

    • Population: Applications

    • Type: Field

    • Trigger: Select a trigger based on your institutional needs. For example, if the criteria to determine if the application should be sent to VidCruiter can change until the application is submitted, then select Upon Application Submission Only, since only set the flag at the time that the application is submitted. If the flag should be able to be set prior to application submission or after application submission, then select Upon Update (Deferred)

  3. Add filters to define the population of applications that should be sent to VidCruiter, for example applications for a specific program.

  4. Select VidCruiter Flagas the Field.

  5. Select Replace Values as the Action.

  6. Select Yes as the Prompt.

  7. Save the rule, then test it while it is in the Preview status using Preview Actions. Once you are satisfied, activate the rule.

Note: VidCruiter polls the data feed periodically to retrieve records from Slate that it has not received before, based on the timestamp that the VidCruiter Flag was set. Unsetting the VidCruiter Flag after the record is sent to VidCruiter will not change how VidCruiter handles the record. For this reason, if the data points that determine whether an application should be sent to VidCruiter can change significantly while an applicant is completing an application, it is typically recommended to use a filter to only include applications that have been submitted.

Checklist Fulfillment

If you would like to use a checklist item that can be fulfilled by the VidCruiter interview, this can be accomplished using a checklist rule.

  1. Select Database on the top navigation bar and select Rules Editor.

  2. Create a new rule:

    • Population: Applications

    • Type: Checklist

    • Trigger: Upon Update (Deferred)

  3. Use the same Field Value Exists filter referenced in Step 7 of the VidCruiter Reader Tab Group section above to find records that have a value for the VidCruiter Profile URL.

  4. Select the checklist item that should be fulfilled from the Checklist list.

  5. Select Mark Existing as Received from the Action list.

  6. Save the rule, then test it while it is in the Preview status using Preview Actions. Once you are satisfied, activate the rule.

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