Waive Application Fees
  • 22 Mar 2024
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Waive Application Fees

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Article summary

In your Slate-hosted application, you might include a custom bit field ("Yes" or "No") called Fee Waiver.

When an applicant selects Yes for this field, Slate should act behind the scenes to waive their requirement to pay a fee upon submission of their application. To make that happen, you'll create a fee waiver rule.

Do I need a fee and a fee waiver?

  • Adding a fee, only to waive it later on, creates a short delay for the applicant.

  • It may be simpler to charge only the subset of applicants that need to pay a fee.

  • To add fees only to applicants in specific programs or rounds, see Example B in the Charge an Application Fee article.

Creating the bit field

To create the Fee Waiver bit field:

  1. From the main navigation, select Database.

  2. Select Fields under Records and Datasets.

  3. Click New Field. A popup appears.

  4. Configure the following settings:

    • Status: Active

    • Scope Category: Records

    • Scope: Configurable Joins - Applications

    • ID: fee_waiver

    • Name: Fee Waiver

    • Folder: Keep fields organized by placing them in folders. Create a new folder by selecting Other and entering a name.

    • Field Type: Bit

  5. Click Save.


Creating the rule

  1. Select Database from the main navigation.

  2. Select Rules under Automations.

  3. Click New Rule. A popup appears.

  4. Configure the following settings: 

    • Name: Application Fee Waiver

    • Base: Applications

    • Type: Activity

    • Trigger: Upon Update (Deferred)

    • Folder: Keep rules organized by placing them in folders. Create a new folder by selecting Other and entering a name.

    • Exclusivity Group: None

    • Status: Preview

  5. Click Save. You are redirected to the Edit Rule page.

  1. Under Action, configure the following settings:

    • Filter: Select Fee Waiver, a filter based on the custom bit field created earlier.

    • Code: Payment

    • Payment Type: Payment Waived

    • Payment Amount (USD): Enter the amount due upon application submission.

    • Payment Account: Select the appropriate payment account. Typically the payment account is Application Fee.

  2. Click Save.

The applicant may experience a short delay before the fee waiver is applied.

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