Add Deposit Paid Decision
  • 02 Apr 2024
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Add Deposit Paid Decision

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Article summary

🔔 Important!
  • Be sure to finalize an Admission Reply Form before moving on to post-decision rules.

  • If a change must be made to the form after your rules were built, be sure to re-test all rules based on that form because changes to the form may break existing rules.

After a matriculating student accepts your offer of admission and pays the enrollment deposit fee, a final decision code will be added automatically to the application tab of the person record:


Additionally, the Activities table on the application tab of the person record will update with a payment received activity:


Add Enrollment Deposit Received Activity

If an enrolling student pays the enrollment deposit, this rule adds the Deposit Paid decision to the application tab of the person record.

  1. Click Database in the top navigation bar and select Rules Editor.

  2. Click New Rule.

  3. Enter the following Rule configurations in the popup window:

    • Name - Add Enrollment Deposit Received Decision

    • Population - Applications

    • Type - Decision

    • Trigger - Upon Update (Deferred)

    • Folder - Put your rule in the folder you created for your decision rules.

    • Exclusivity Group - Exclusivity Group is not needed.

    • Status -Preview

Configure the appropriate filters:

  • Payment Complete (Application Payment) - Returns application records that have made a full payment.

Payment Complete (Application Payment) Payment Account = Enrollment Deposit
  • Application Period Active - Returns applications that are in an active or inactive period.

Application Period Active = Active

Configure the appropriate action:

  • Add Decision - Select Deposit Paid.

  • Letter - Set a letter if one exists. We do not recommend creating a letter for the Deposit Paid decision. If you do not have a letter, select the Default for Decision option.

  • Prerequisites - Important: Slate treats prerequisite settings as logical ORs, not ANDs.

  • Action - Select Confirm + Release.

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