Admin & Applicant PDF Download Options
  • 18 Mar 2024
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Admin & Applicant PDF Download Options

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Article summary

Two options are available for creating downloadable PDFs for both Slate users and students using the Database tools Reader Tab Groups and Reader Tab Materials. By default, Slate makes all Materials (Materials link in Records and Datasets section of Database page) available through Download PDF. Use these tools to define exactly what custom materials and other system documents are available for download in areas such as:

  • Custom dashboards

  • Reader forms

  • Slate-hosted application references

Use the Reader Tab Groups and Reader Tab Materials tools to specify the custom materials and other system documents that are available for download.

Note that the default Admin PDF Download options will not be available after creating at least one custom Reader Tab Group and Reader Tab Material. Be sure to create all materials you wish to download through custom Reader Tab Groups when modifying the default behavior.

In contrast, Applicant PDF Downloads do not have a default proof. Application proofs can be made available by creating the appropriate Reader Tab Group and associating any desired materials.

Note that an export cannot be scheduled using Download PDF. Refer to the Exporting Documents Knowledge Base topic for information on scheduling PDF exports.

Creating Download PDF Groups

Download PDF Groups defines the containers where you will place materials. These must be created before Download PDF Materials can be set up.

1. Click Database on the Slate navigation bar.

2. In the Reader and Decisions section, select Reader Tab Groups (legacy tool). The Reader Tab Groups summary page appears.

Reader Tab Groups Link

3. Click Insert. An Insert Record in Reader Tab Groups popup appears.

Reader Tab Groups Summary Page

4. Enter the following configurations:

  • Status: Set to Active.

  • Folder: Select an existing folder or create a new folder by selecting Other (using folders for organization is strongly recommended).

  • Type: Select Administrative PDF Download or Applicant PDF Download.

    • Admin PDF Downloads - used for users inside of Slate.

    • Applicant PDF Download - used upon submission of a Slate Application.

  • Name: Name the group to be used for downloads (such as All Applications or References Only).

  • Memo: Include any descriptive text that may help administrative users. This text appears in the listing on the Reader Tab Groups summary page.

  • Order: Determine the order in which the groups should appear when a user clicks the "Download PDF" list.

  • Custom Read Permission: This item will NOT appear if Applicant PDF Download" was selected. When available, use this setting to assign a permission that limits the users who can download this group of materials.

5. Click Save.

Insert Reader Tab Groups Popup

Creating Download PDF Materials

With the groups established, Download PDF Materials can now be created and related to the desired Download PDF Group.

1. Click Database on the Slate navigation bar.

2. In the Reader and Decisions section, select Reader Tab Materials (legacy tool). The Reader Tab Materials summary page appears.

Reader Tab Materials Link

3. Click Insert. The Insert Record in Reader Tab Materials popup appears.

Reader Tab Materials Summary Page

4. Enter the following configurations:

  • Status: Set to Active.

  • Tab: Select the group where this material should be included.

    • Admin PDF Downloads - used for users inside Slate.

    • Applicant PDF Download - used upon submission of a Slate Application.

  • Type: Select the type of document that should be included when downloading. (Note that this list is more comprehensive than in Database > Materials.)

  • Order: Enter the desired order of appearance for the material in the Reader Tab Group.

  • Filter Base (optional): If desired, select a base for filtering and then add a filter.

5. Click Save.

Insert Reader Tab Materials Popup

Using Download PDF

Ways to use Download PDF

  • Student Record: The "Download PDF" button is available on any Application Tab in the right menu column of the Student Record.

  • Application Reader: The "Download PDF" button is available in the application reader by clicking the student's name in the top-left corner and selecting "Download PDF" from the popup.

  • Query Tool: While both methods relate to creating a PDF of an individual record, the query tool can be used to identify a larger population of students to download. The "PDF Document Export" output appears as an option on the Query Results page.

Limiting Query Runs

Download PDF is especially useful when dealing with a small population (such as an individual student or a small query with either a limited number of records or a limited number of documents). This is due to the limitations of the browser to build an export with a reasonable file size.

If the query yields more than 500 pages or 500 records, group the query into smaller groups as follows:

1. Click Queries on the Slate navigation bar. The Queries page appears.

2. Click an existing query. The summary page for the query appears.

3. Click Edit Query. The Edit Query page appears.

Query Summary Page

4. Click Edit Properties. The Edit Properties popup appears.

Edit Properties Button

5. For Limit Rows, enter an appropriate number. Note: If each record returning in the query has more than one page of materials, reduce the limit even more so that no more than 500 pages are exported cumulatively when the query is run.

6. For Execution Options, select "Retrieve only the new records since query was last run" so that each each time the query runs, the next group of matching records is returned.

Edit Properties Popup

7. Click Save.

8. Run the query for each group of records, repeating as necessary until all records have been exported.

🔔 Important!

Download PDF should not be used under the following conditions:

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