Application Header Rules
  • 18 Mar 2024
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Application Header Rules

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Article summary

Application Headers can assist with differentiating between multiple applications on a record. Application Headers appear in the following places: 

  • Application tab

  • Application details above the dashboard

  • Application management page

  • Application details when opening an application

  • Application selector in the status portal

  • Default application status page

  • Searching applications in the omni-search box

  • Release decisions page

Application Header Rule

To create a new rule with the type of 'Application Header':

  1. Click Database in the top navigation bar and select Rules Editor.

  2. Click New Rule.

  3. Select either the Applications or Configurable Joins Application base.

  4. Select the Application Header type.

  5. Create a Rule Formula formula by adding exports to rule action.

    Application Header Formula Rule

  6. Click save and test. 

You can see the Application Header on the administrative side of Slate. 

The header appears on the application tab, as well as on the Overview tab, above the application dashboard.

Administrative Side Application Tab

The header also displays under the applicant's name when searching.

Omni-Search Box

When releasing decisions, the application header will also appear. 

Release Decisions

Application Header (External) Rule

There may be cases where the application header consists of codes or abbreviations that are informative to staff and internal users, but not ideal for public viewing. The Application Header (External) rule allows users to create a different header for applicants to view on their application management page and status portal. 

To create a new rule with the type of 'Application Header (External)':

  1. Click Database in the top navigation bar and select Rules Editor.

  2. Click New Rule.

  3. Select either the Applications or Configurable Joins Application base.

  4. Select the Application Header (External) type.

  5. Create a Rule Formula formula by adding exports to rule action.

    Application Header External Formula Rule

  6. Click save and test. 

You can see the external header, which is more verbose than the internal header. 

The external header displays prior to submission on the Application Management screen, both on the main page and within the pop-up.

Application Management Screen

On both the standard status page and the custom status portal, the external header displays in the application selector if the applicant has multiple applications.

Application Selector in Status Portal

On the standard status page, the external application header will also appear.

Standard Application Status Page

What if I don't create an Application Header (External) rule?

If there is no Application Header (External) rule, the Application Header will display. If there is no Application Header rule, the round name will display in these locations.

Application Header Color Rule

In addition to creating custom text to appear on the application tab, users can customize the header with a color. To create a new rule with the type of 'Application Header Color':

  1. Click Database in the top navigation bar and select Rules Editor.

  2. Select the Application Header Color type.

  3. Click the box next to color. Colors can be selected from the color-picker or enter in the desired hex color.


  4. Click save and test. 


What if the record has many tabs?

The tabs will retain the color in the overflow section, accessible via the '+' sign.


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