Application Logic Settings
  • 13 Mar 2024
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Application Logic Settings

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Article summary

Insert / Edit Application Logic




Set the status to active for any logic that will be used in a Slate application. Inactivate logic that is no longer used. Any inactive logic can be reactivated at any time should a process call for it again.


  • Keep organized by using folders. Select   Other  to create a new folder.


Select the type of application logic.

  • Submission Requirement - A submission requirement is a warning to the applicant that required data is missing from the application. Submission requirements can be created for any data in a Slate application. 

  • Group/Page Key - Group/page keys are used to show/hide pages within a Slate application conditionally.


Use section to select the page within the application on which the application logic is applied (for submission requirements only).


Provide a clear name that indicates what page key or submission requirement is and what it is used for.


Choose if the submission requirement should apply as a hard fail or soft fail on a Slate application (for submission requirements only).


Group is optional. Add a group to apply the requirement to only the application records who meet the group criteria. Slate will automatically include the filter criteria for the group in the requirement rule (for submission requirements only).


Select the base for adding filters that define the records to which the application logic is applied.


Add filters to isolate that applicants who should see the message.

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