Automate Inbox Assignments
  • 20 May 2024
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Automate Inbox Assignments

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Article summary

ser/Role assignment, automatic replies, staff notifications, and status updates can all occur automatically using the Rules Editor.

Assignment rules allow you to assign a message to a Role and/or User.

🔔 Important!

Messages cannot be sent into test environments, so if you are are forwarding messages to Inbox already, create a test Inbox Group that you can use for testing purposes. Use the group filter for all new rules so that they only affect messages that were emailed to that test Inbox Group. Once you confirm that the rules are functioning as you expect, remove the group restriction so that the rules can update real messages. The test Inbox Group does not need to have messages forwarded to it - you can simply send test emails directly to the Inbox Group's forwarding address.

🔔 Best Practice

A message can only be assigned to one role and one user at a time. If you are assigning the role and the user using separate rules, use two Exclusivity Groups: one to perform the role assignments and one to perform the user assignments. If you are setting the role and user together, or if you are only setting one, use one Exclusivity Group for all Assignment rules that share the same Trigger.

Financial Aid Assignment

Messages sent to the Admissions Inbox Group that contain the words financial or aid will be assigned to the Financial Aid Role. The user will not be updated.

  1. Click Database in the top navigation bar and select Rules Editor.

  2. Click New Rule.

  3. Enter the following configurations in the popup window:

    • Name: Admissions - FA

    • Base: Inbox

    • Type: Assignment

    • Trigger: Upon Message Receipt Only

    • Folder: Inbox / Assignment

    • Exclusivity Group: Message Assignment

    • Priority: 5

  4. Click Save.

  5. Configure the appropriate filters:

    • Partial Match: The Partial Match filter finds matching messages with the included words, regardless of their ordering. If you want to find messages with a specific phrase, include quotes in the filter.

      For example "school transcript" will find messages that have the exact phrase "school transcript". If the same words were used in a filter without quotes around them, the filter will find messages that have the word school or the word transcript.

      Partial Match CONTAINS financial aid
    • Group: IN Admissions

  6. Configure the appropriate action:

    • Role - Financial Aid

      • Leave Current - This should be used if you want the rule to only update the assigned user.

      • Specific Role - The will assign the specified role.

    • User Action

      • Leave Current - This should be used if you want the rule to only update the assigned role.

      • Assign User - This allows you to specify a specific User to assign.

      • Assign User by Field - This option provides a list of person-scoped fields that use the user prompt list, such as staff assignment. If a message is not assigned to a person record, then this field value will not exist to use for the message.

      • Clear User - This will remove the user assignment for the message.

Staff Assignment

Messages that are assigned to person records that have a staff assignment will be assigned the Admissions Inbox Role. The user will be updated to the user set for the person record's staff assigned field.

  1. Click Database in the top navigation bar and select Rules Editor.

  2. Click New Rule.

  3. Enter the following configurations in the popup window:

    • Name - Staff Assignments

    • Base - Inbox

    • Type - Assignment

    • Trigger - Upon Message Receipt Only

    • Folder - Inbox / Assignment

    • Exclusivity Group - Message Assignment

    • Priority - 10

  4. Click Save.

  5. Configure the appropriate filters:

    • Add Join to Message

    • Add Join to Person

    • Add Subquery Filter - Set Aggregate to Exists and Select Staff Assigned as the Export

  6. Configure the appropriate action:

    • Role - Admissions Inbox

      • Leave Current - This should be used if you want the rule to only update the assigned user.

      • Specific Role - The will assign the specified role.

    • User Action

      • Leave Current - This should be used if you want the rule to only update the assigned role.

      • Assign User - This allows you to specify a specific user to assign.

      • Assign User by Field - This option provides a list of person-scoped fields that use the user prompt list, such as staff assignment. If a message is not assigned to a person record, then this field value will not exist to use for the message.

      • Clear User - This will remove the user assignment for the message.

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