Automate Inbox Automatic Replies
  • 20 May 2024
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Automate Inbox Automatic Replies

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Article summary

User/Role assignment, automatic replies, staff notifications, and status updates can all occur automatically using the Rules Editor.

Automatic Reply rules send a response to the sender of the message automatically. Just as with other rules, you are able to use filters to limit the affected messages.

🔔 Important!

Any one rule will only send an automatic reply for a specific message one time. If you have Automatic Reply rules configured to run during Nightly Processing, and the message meets the filter criteria to have an automatic reply sent for a specific rule overnight one night, then the automatic reply will be sent at that time. If during any subsequent nights the message meets the filter criteria again, an automatic reply will not be sent again for that same message and rule.

SMS messages use credits, which must be purchased from the Deliver Configuration page. Phone numbers can be added for SMS messages via this page as well. Note: This page requires the Administrator permission.

Best Practice

The desired behavior is typically to only send one automatic reply to a single message at once. Therefore, it is recommended that you use an Exclusivity Group for Automatic Reply rules.

Can Automatic Reply rules use Currently Assigned Role Email Address or Currently Assigned User address options with the Upon Message Receipt Only trigger?

Yes! The emails are sent after assignment rules have run, so all messages will have an assigned Role. However, unless you are always automatically assigning Users, it is possible that a message will not have a current User assignment, and this would prevent an Automatic Reply rule from sending if the Email Sender Type is set to Currently Assigned User Email Address.

Automatic Reply (Weekend)

Messages sent via email that were created on either Saturday or Sunday will receive an Automatic Reply via email from the message's currently assigned Role's email address.

  1. Click Database in the top navigation bar and select Rules Editor.

  2. Click New Rule.

  3. Enter the following configurations in the popup window:

    • Name : Automatic Reply : Weekend

    • Base : Inbox

    • Type : Automatic Reply

    • Trigger : Upon Message Receipt Only

    • Folder : Inbox / Auto Replies

    • Exclusivity Group : Automatic Replies

    • Priority : 5

  4. Click Save.

  5. Configure the appropriate filters:

    • Created Day of the Week : IN Saturday, Sunday

  6. Configure the appropriate action:

    • Auto Reply Method : Auto Replies are sent back to the sender's email address or phone number using the method through which the message was received. If an SMS message is received, the rule will send the SMS auto reply message. If an email message is received, the rule will send the Email auto reply message.

      • Email or SMS : This allows you to configure an automatic reply message for both methods of receiving messages. Both Email and SMS action items are available to configure.

      • Email Only : This allows you to configure an automatic reply message for just emailed messages. Only Email action items are available to configure.

      • SMS Only : This allows you to configure an automatic reply message for just SMS messages. Only SMS action items are available to configure.

    • Email Sender Type : This setting determines the From email address for the automatic reply.

      • Currently Assigned User Email Address : Use the email address of the message's current User assignment. Note: If there is no user assignment, a message will not be sent.

      • Currently Assigned Role Email Address : Use the default email address of the message's current Role assignment.

      • User Email Address : Use the specified User's email address.

      • Role Email Address : Use the specified Role's email address.

      • Other Email Address : Type a specific email address to use as the From email.

    • Send Email Message : Use the HTML editor to compose an email message.

    • SMS Sender : Select the phone number to use as the From phone number for the automatic reply. The phone numbers available are those that are configured on the Deliver Configurations page.

    • Send SMS Message : Use the text box to compose an SMS message. There is a character counter to help estimate the number of message credits each auto reply will use.

Automatic Reply (Holiday)

Messages sent via email or SMS on a specified calendar date : such as 05/30/2017 (Memorial Day) : will receive an Automatic Reply. Messages sent via email will receive the Email message from the message's currently assigned Role's email address. Messages sent via SMS will receive the SMS message.

  1. Click Database in the top navigation bar and select Rules Editor.

  2. Click New Rule.

  3. Enter the following configurations in the popup window:

    • Name : Automatic Reply : Holiday

    • Base : Inbox

    • Type : Automatic Reply

    • Trigger : Upon Message Receipt Only

    • Folder : Inbox / Auto Replies

    • Exclusivity Group : Automatic Replies

    • Priority : 10

  4. Click Save.

  5. Configure the appropriate filters:

    • Created Date : = 2019-05-27

  6. Configure the appropriate action:

    • Auto Reply Method : Auto Replies are sent back to the sender's email address or phone number using the method through which the message was received. If an SMS message is received, the rule will send the SMS auto reply message. If an email message is received, the rule will send the Email auto reply message.

      • Email or SMS : This allows you to configure an automatic reply message for both methods of receiving messages. Both Email and SMS action items are available to configure.

      • Email Only : This allows you to configure an automatic reply message for just emailed messages. Only Email action items are available to configure.

      • SMS Only : This allows you to configure an automatic reply message for just SMS messages. Only SMS action items are available to configure.

    • Email Sender Type : This setting determines the From email address for the automatic reply.

      • Currently Assigned User Email Address : Use the email address of the message's current User assignment. Note: If there is no user assignment, a message will not be sent.

      • Currently Assigned Role Email Address : Use the default email address of the message's current Role assignment.

      • User Email Address : Use the specified User's email address.

      • Role Email Address : Use the specified Role's email address.

      • Other Email Address : Type a specific email address to use as the From email.

    • Send Email Message : Use the HTML editor to compose an email message.

    • SMS Sender : Select the phone number to use as the From phone number for the automatic reply. The phone numbers available are those that are configured on the Deliver Configurations page.

    • Send SMS Message : Use the text box to compose an SMS message. There is a character counter to help estimate the number of message credits each auto reply will use.

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