Automate the Person Status
  • 20 Nov 2023
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Automate the Person Status

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Article summary

Person Status Rules are pre-built rules that determine the status of a record in your system. Person Status allows for a high-level classification of a person record. This singular status leverages underlying rules to categorize records based on attributes about the person. It is a mechanism to sum up, qualities about an individual into a single data point that you can then use for efficient querying and reporting. Generally, these person statuses are configured to be mutually exclusive - a person can only meet the criteria for one of the statuses.

The three default statuses are Prospect, Inquiry, and Applicant. You can customize these rules based on your organizational needs. When a person record is created in the system, the default set of Person Status Rules will assign a status to the record. For example, if a record is created from a request for information form, the Person Status Rules will assign a status of "Inquiry”.

Your institution can customize its Person Status Rules to reflect its own unique needs. For example, an organization can add a new " Enrolled " status and rules that set it. Person Status Rules are an essential part of any organization’s CRM strategy and are a great way to ensure that all records in the system are categorized correctly.

  • Rule 01 - Keep Applicant

  • Rule 05 - Set Applicant

  • Rule 10 - Keep Inquiry

  • Rule 15 - Set Inquiry (Form Response)

  • Rule 20 - Set Inquiry (Test Score)

  • Rule 999- Set Prospect

Rule 01 - Keep Applicant

If a record currently has the status of Applicant, do nothing to that record and skip all remaining rules in the person status exclusivity group.

  1. Click Database in the main navigation and select Rules.

  2. Click New Rule.

  3. Enter the following configurations in the popup window:

    • Name - Person Status - Keep Applicant

    • Base - Person

    • Type - Person Status

    • Folder - Person Status

    • Exclusivity Group - Person Status

    • Non-deterministic - Rule is deterministic and has an exclusive priority.

    • Priority - 1

    • Status - Active

  4. Click Save.

  5. Filters - Status IN Applicant

  6. Action - No Action Rule: Select the 'do nothing' check box as your action. This will ensure that records that have a status of applicant will not change from that status.


Rule 05 - Set Applicant

If a record has an application (either submitted or unsubmitted) then set the Person Status to Applicant; then stop evaluating the remaining person status rules.

  1. Click Database in the main navigation and select Rules.

  2. Click New Rule.

  3. Enter the following configurations in the popup window:

    • Name - Person Status - Set Applicant

    • Base - Person

    • Type - Person Status

    • Folder - Person Status

    • Exclusivity Group - Person Status

    • Non-deterministic - Rule is deterministic and has an exclusive priority.

    • Priority - 5

    • Status - Active

  4. Click Save.

  5. Filters - Subquery Filter for "Has Application"

  6. Status - Applicant


Rule 10 - Keep Inquiry

If a record currently has the status of Inquiry, do nothing to that record and skip all remaining rules in the person status exclusivity group.

  1. Click Database in the main navigation and select Rules.

  2. Click New Rule.

  3. Enter the following configurations in the popup window:

    • Name - Person Status - Set Inquiry

    • Base - Person

    • Type - Person Status

    • Folder - Person Status

    • Exclusivity Group - Person Status

    • Non-deterministic - Rule is deterministic and has an exclusive priority.

    • Priority - 10

    • Status - Active

  4. Click Save.

  5. Filters - Status IN Applicant

  6. Action - No Action Rule: Select the 'do nothing' check box as your action. This will ensure that records that have a status of applicant will not change from that status.

  7. Filter - Status IN Inquiry

  8. Status - No Action Rule: Select the 'do nothing' check box as your action. This will ensure that records that have a status of applicant will not change from that status.


Rule 15 - Set Inquiry (Form Response)

If a record has a form/event registration, then set the person status to Inquiry.

  1. Click Database in the main navigation and select Rules.

  2. Click New Rule.

  3. Enter the following configurations in the popup window:

    • Name - Person Status - Set Inquiry (Form Response)

    • Base - Person

    • Type - Person Status

    • Folder - Person Status

    • Exclusivity Group - Person Status

    • Non-deterministic - Rule is deterministic and has an exclusive priority.

    • Priority - 15

    • Status - Active

  4. Click Save.

  5. Filters - Subquery Filter for "Has a Form Response" 

  6. Status - Inquiry


Rule 20 - Set Inquiry (Test Score)

If a record has a verified test score, then set the person status to Inquiry.

  1. Click Database in the main navigation and select Rules.

  2. Click New Rule.

  3. Enter the following configurations in the popup window:

    • Name - Person Status - Set Inquiry (Test Score)

    • Base - Person

    • Type - Person Status

    • Folder - Person Status

    • Exclusivity Group - Person Status

    • Non-deterministic - Rule is deterministic and has an exclusive priority.

    • Priority - 20

    • Status - Active

  4. Click Save.

  5. Filters - Subquery Filter for "Has a Verified Test Score" 

  6. Status - Inquiry


Rule 999 - Set Prospect

Set the person status to Prospect for all records that failed to match the filter criteria for any other person status rules.

  1. Click Database in the main navigation and select Rules.

  2. Click New Rule.

  3. Enter the following configurations in the popup window:

    • Name - Person Status - Set Prospect

    • Base - Person

    • Type - Person Status

    • Folder - Person Status

    • Exclusivity Group - Person Status

    • Non-deterministic - Rule is deterministic and has an exclusive priority.

    • Priority - 999

    • Status - Active

  4. Click Save.

  5. Filters - NO FILTERS A rule with no filters in an exclusivity group allows you to set a default assignment. Since all records that are not applicant or inquiry records should have the prospect status, do not include filters for this rule.

  6. Status - Prospect


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