Automating Donor Giving Levels & Constituency Groups for Advancement
  • 24 Nov 2023
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Automating Donor Giving Levels & Constituency Groups for Advancement

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Article summary

Donors can be automatically segmented and placed into giving levels through the use of Person Population rules. Populations within Slate provide a mechanism to group records with like attributes such as the sum of their gifts within a fiscal year (or any other data point associated with a record).  

If a donor meets the criteria for a given rule, they will remain within the population. If an update occurs to the record and they no longer meet the criteria for the population, they will automatically be removed from the population. 

For example, a donor who gives $500 within the current fiscal year might meet the criteria to be placed in a "Bronze" giving level. If that same donor gives an additional $500, they may meet the criteria for the next level of giving - "Silver." This second gift would cause an update to their record, the population rules would run, and the donor would leave the "Bronze" population and enter the "Silver" population. 

By setting giving levels and constituency groups through populations, end users can reference a single data point, as opposed to layering on multiple filters each time any particular constituency needs to be queried upon. These populations can also allow for automated, targeted, and segmented communication flows. 

Create Donor Giving Levels as Populations

The first step to automate placing donors into giving levels is to create each giving level as a Population. To add new populations:

  1. Click Database in the top navigation bar and select Populations.

  2. Click Insert.

  3. Enter the following configurations in the popup window:

    • Status - Active

    • Name - Provide the name of the giving level (such as "Gold," "Silver," "Bronze," etc.). You may wish to have a set of donor levels every year in order to keep a historical perspective of who was in a given level for a particular year.

    • Scope - For person donors, select "Person".

    • Folder - Create or select a folder.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Repeat these steps for each giving level.

Click the Slate Scholar Lightbulb    in the top left corner for a complete listing of all setting descriptions.

Add Donors to Populations Using Rules

With populations created, the next step is to place donors into the populations using the Rules Editor:

  1. Click Database in the top navigation bar and select Rules Editor.

  2. Click New Rule.

  3. Enter the following configurations in the popup window:

    • Name - Name the rule in a way that will correspond to the population.

    • Base - Configurable Joins Library (Preview) - Person

    • Type - Person Population

    • Folder - Create or select a folder.

    • Exclusivity Group - If the donor should only ever be in one giving level at a time, create an exclusivity group. 

      • Non-deterministic - Rule is deterministic and has an exclusive priority

      • Priority - 1

    • Status - Preview

  4. Click Save.

  5. Add the appropriate filters to define which records should be added to the population. 

  6. In the Action setting, select the population/giving level that corresponds to the filter criteria. 

  7. Click Save.

Should I use an exclusivity group?

Exclusivity groups allow for a record to be evaluated against all of the rules within the group. If the record meets the criteria for multiple rules within the group, only the rule with the highest priority will take affect.

If a donor should only be in one giving level at a time, an exclusivity group will ensure they are placed in the highest giving level for which they are qualified. 

Activate the Rules

Once the rules have been created, the final step is to activate them. To set the rules' statuses as active:

  1. Navigate to each individual rule and select Edit.

  2. While editing the details of the rule, change the status from "Preview" to Active.

  3. Click Save.

  4. Click Save, again, on the rule itself. 

Once all of the rules are active, we recommend running a retroactive refresh on all of the records within the database. This will trigger the records to be evaluated by all of the rules, including the newly active giving level rules.

Example Donor Giving Levels

Rule Name


Exclusivity Group



2020 Giving Level - No Current Gift

Giving Levels / 2020

2020 Giving Level


Person Population

2020 Giving Level - Diamond

Giving Levels / 2020

2020 Giving Level


Person Population

2020 Giving Level - Platinum

Giving Levels / 2020

2020 Giving Level


Person Population

2020 Giving Level - Gold

Giving Levels / 2020

2020 Giving Level


Person Population

2020 Giving Level - Silver

Giving Levels / 2020

2020 Giving Level


Person Population

2020 Giving Level - Bronze

Giving Levels / 2020

2020 Giving Level


Person Population

2020 Giving Level - No Current Gift


2020 Giving Level - Diamond


2020 Giving Level - Platinum


2020 Giving Level - Gold


2020 Giving Level - Silver


2020 Giving Level - Bronze


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