Capture Higher Ed Integration
  • 08 Jul 2024
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Capture Higher Ed Integration

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Article summary

The Capture Higher Ed integration lets you send prospective student data to Capture and receive behavioral engagement data in return.

💭 Questions about this integration? Reach out to [email protected].

To configure this integration, you’ll do the following:

  1. Create a Capture Higher Ed service account in Slate

  2. Provide the service account username to Capture

  3. Use Suitcase to import data objects created by Capture, including custom fields, prompts, queries, and source formats

  4. Customize the imported queries and schedule them for export

  5. Configure the imported source formats

📝 This article should be read in conjunction with the Capture to Slate Integration Guide provided in Basecamp by your Capture Higher Ed client success manager.

Step 1: Create the Capture Higher Ed service account

The Capture Higher Ed service account provides Capture SFTP access to pick up files generated by the Capture Higher Ed data export and to drop daily files for import into Slate.

  1. Select Database from the main navigation.

  2. Under Configurations, select Slate Template Library (legacy tool).

  3. Select the Users section to expand it.

  4. Next to Capture Higher Ed Service Account, select Add. A popup appears.

  5. Confirm the addition of the service account by selecting Add.

  6. Select Refresh Slate Template Library at the top of the page.

🔔 Do not adjust the service account.

Step 2: Provide Capture with the service account username

Capture requires the service account’s username to configure the integration on their end.

To find the Capture Higher Ed service account username:

  1. Select Database from the main navigation.

  2. Under Users & Access, select User Permissions.

  3. Select the Service Account, Capture Higher Ed from the list of users.

  4. Select Edit User.

  5. Select the Roles tab.

  6. Scroll down to the SFTP Access section.

  7. Copy the username.

  8. Provide the username to Capture via the [email protected] email address.

While you await their confirmation, continue with the following steps.

Step 3: Import Capture Higher Ed objects with Suitcase

Use these import packages provided by Capture to jump-start your integration. The Suitcase IDs provided with each import package pull in custom fields, prompts, forms, queries, and source formats.

📖 Required reading

You must use Suitcase Import to bring these objects into your database.

First-Year/Transfer with Apply Model

Use this Suitcase ID to import these objects into your database.

💼 Suitcase ID


Objects in this Suitcase include:


  • Capture Higher Ed: Prospects Export FY/TR

  • Capture Higher Ed: Applicants Export FY/TR

  • Capture Higher Ed: Merged Records

Source formats

  • Capture Higher Ed: New Inquiries  

  • Capture Higher Ed: Behavioral Data Updates  

  • Daily Capture to Slate Apply


  • Capture Higher Ed: Custom Tab w/Apply  

First-Year/Transfer without Apply Model

Use the following Suitcase ID to import these objects into your database:

💼 Suitcase ID


Objects in this Suitcase include:


  • Capture Higher Ed: Prospects Export FY/TR

  • Capture Higher Ed: Applicants Export FY/TR

  • Capture Higher Ed: Merged Records

Source formats

  • Capture Higher Ed: New Inquiries  

  • Capture Higher Ed: Behavioral Data Updates


  • Capture Higher Ed: Custom Tab


Use the following Suitcase ID to import these objects into your database:

💼 Suitcase ID


Objects in this Suitcase include:


  • Capture Higher Ed: Prospects Export Graduate

  • Capture Higher Ed: Applicants Export Graduate

  • Capture Higher Ed: Merged Records

Source formats

  • Capture Higher Ed: New Inquiries  

  • Capture Higher Ed: Behavioral Data Updates


  • Capture Higher Ed: Custom Tab

See the Capture to Slate Integration Guide provided by your Client Success Manager in Basecamp for details on the fields and prompts added via the suitcase.

Step 4: Customize Capture queries and schedule for export

The Capture Export query contains over 50 export values, arranged, and formatted to specifically comply with the standards needed for a file to be consumed within Capture.

You must customize this query before Capture can process records from your database. Since many of the data points required by Capture are stored as custom fields in Slate, there are certain placeholder export values that must be replaced or updated.

Your Capture client success manager will have provided you with the Capture to Slate Integration Guide. Consult this guide for detailed instructions on editing and scheduling-for-export the following queries:

  • Capture Higher Ed: Prospects Export

  • Capture Higher Ed: Applicants Export

  • Capture Higher Ed: Merged Records

To customize your Capture Export queries:

  1. Select Queries / Reports from the main navigation.

  2. Select Capture Higher Ed: Prospects Export.

  3. Select Edit Query.

  4. Select Copy. A popup appears.

  5. Configure the following settings:

    • Destination: New Query

    • Query Name: Enter a name.

    • Folder: Optionally select a new folder for the copied query, or select Other to create a new one.

  6. Select Save. You are redirected to the new query's Edit page.

  7. Consult the Capture to Slate Integration guide provided by your Capture client success manager to update, replace, and add new exports and filters to the queries.

  8. Select Schedule Export.

  9. Configure the following settings:

    • Status: Active. This automates the export.

    • Requested Delivery Window (Eastern Time): Set the time of day at which the export should run.

    • Requested Weekdays: Select the days of the week at which the export should run.

    A screenshot of a schedule export  Description automatically generated

  10. Select Save.

🔔 Do not change the following export settings: Path, Format, Delimiter, Headers, Text Qualifiers, Encoding, and Line Endings.

📖 Further reading

Scheduling Exports

Step 5: Configure remap settings for the source formats

For each Capture Higher Ed source format, the remap settings must be configured.

Capture Higher Ed: New Inquiries

The Capture Higher Ed: New Inquiries source format is pre-configured to match a record and update its status to Inquiry if the status is not already inquiry or higher.

Capture Higher Ed: Weekly Updates

The Capture Higher Ed: Weekly Updates source format is pre-configured to store the weekly data, including engagement metrics and the calculated Capture Engagement Score (CES) and Capture Affinity Index (CAI) as timestamped Capture Higher Ed research data.

Like the New Inquiries source format, this source format is also configured to upgrade a prospect's status to Inquiry if it is identified as such in the file.

To configure the remap settings for each source format:

  1. Select Database from the main navigation.

  2. Under Import, select Source Formats.

  3. From the list, select either Capture Higher Ed: Behavioral Data Updates or Capture Higher Ed: New Inquiries.

  4. Select Edit Mappings.

  5. Map the Capture ID to the custom unique field created earlier.
    A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

  6. Update the remaining settings according to your institution's needs.

  7. Select Save.

  8. Once you are satisfied with the Remap settings, use the breadcrumb navigation to return to the source format's landing page.

  9. Select Edit.

  10. Set Remap Active to Active.

  11. Select Save.

  12. Repeat these steps for the remaining Capture source format.

📖 Further reading

Source Formats

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