Configuring Slate Video
  • 04 Apr 2024
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Configuring Slate Video

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Article summary

Configuring your Slate instance for Slate Video allows you to create and send videos wherever a one-off communication can be sent, including person records, call lists, and within Slate Voice.

Configuring Slate Video is accomplished through the use of portals. Additional knowledge base articles, including Portals and Creating a Custom Portal, can provide additional insight into Slate portals.

The basic steps to configuring Slate Video are:

  1. Create a new portal.

  2. Create a new view for the portal.

  3. Create the portal's default method.

  4. Set the new view as the default.

  5. Configure the portal layout.

Refer to the following sections for details on how to accomplish each step.

Create a New Portal

  1. Click Database on the Slate navigation bar.

  2. Select Portals in the Portals section.

  3. Click New Portal. An Edit Details popup appears.

  4. If using folders to organize your content (recommended), select an existing Folder or select Other and enter a new folder name.

  5. For Key, enter video_portal.

  6. For Name, use an appropriate name for the portal. For clarity, use a name that describes the portal's function, like "Personalized Video Portal."

  7. Leave Default View blank for now.

  8. Set Security to Person. A Secure Link option appears.

  9. Leave Secure Link blank.

  10. Set Anonymous Access to Allow access only for identified users.

  11. Click Save. The Video Portal Personalized page appears.

Create a New View for the Portal

  1. Under the Views section of the new portal, click "New View." An Edit View popup appears.
    New View

  2. For Name, enter an appropriate name (such as "Default") for the view.

  3. Click Save. The portal editor appears.

    Edit View

  4. In the breadcrumb area of the page, click the link for the portal that you created (in this case, "Video Portal Personalized") to return to the portal page.


Create the Portal's Default Method

  1. Under the Methods section of the new Portal, click "New Method".
    New Method

  2. Use the following settings for the new Method:

    • Name: "Default" (or any other name you want)

    • Type: GET

    • Output Type: Default Branding

    • Action: (leave blank)

    • View: Select the View you just created

  3. Click Save. The Portal Method page appears.
    Edit Details Methods

  4. In the breadcrumb area of the page, click the link for the portal that you created (in this case, "Video Portal Personalized") to return to the portal page.

Set the New View as the Default

  1. From the overall portal management page, select your newly created portal ("Video Portal Personalized" in this example). The portal page appears.

  2. Click the Edit button in the top right corner of the portal management page.

  3. Select your newly created view for the Default View setting.

  4. If it has not been done automatically, change the Secure Link setting at this point to Enable access via a secure link; otherwise students will be directed to a login page when they click on the video thumbnail rather than being taken directly to the portal.

  5. Click Save.
    Video Portal Personalized

    Edit Details Default View

Configure the Portal Layout

  1. Click on the view you previously created. The portal editor appears.
    Portal Editor

  2. Slate Video widget is now available under Person Widgets for you to drag and drop into place within the body of the Portal. This is the widget Slate will use to display and play the personalized video that was created and included in an email or SMS communication to a Person Record.
    New Row

  3. Click the first (one column) row layout. The new one-column row appears on the portal editor.
    Select Row Layout

  4. Click the Slate Video widget or drag it into the row you just created. An Edit Part popup appears.
    Slate Video Widget

  5. For Name, provide an appropriate name.

  6. Click Save.
    Edit Part Slate Video 

📝 Note

This portal is now the template through which all personalized Slate videos will be shown to students, meaning that any additional content added to this portal will appear for everyone.

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