- 20 Nov 2023
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Consolidate Records and the effects of Main vs. Duplicate
- Updated 20 Nov 2023
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The main record is the record that is retained, while values for the duplicate record are merged into the main record.
The addresses and devices (contacts) for the duplicate record become associated with the main record, and those addresses and devices are given a low priority (unless they are inactive, in which case they remain inactive).
Materials, applications, schools, devices, tests, interactions, form or event registrations, etc., are moved to the main record.
The person status of the main record is updated to match the most advanced status of the two records. For example, person statuses follow the order: Prospect -> Inquiry -> Applicant. If the main record was a Prospect, and the duplicate record was an Inquiry, then the main record is updated to "Inquiry". If the main record was an Applicant, then it remains an Applicant even if the duplicate record was a Prospect.
NOTE: The order of the prompts should be set to 1 for Applicant, 2 for Inquiry and 3 for Prospect
Any standard or custom field values that already exist on the main record are retained.
Standard Fields
If the main record has a value for a standard field, such as name, birth date, sex, or citizenships, then the main record value is retained. If the duplicate record has a value for a standard field that the main record does not have, then the value from the duplicate is saved to the main record. For example, if the duplicate record has a Slate Override ID, and the main record does not, the Slate Override ID for the main record is updated to match the duplicate record's Slate Override ID.
Custom Fields
If the duplicate record has values for fields that store a single value that the main record did not have, then those values are merged into the main record.
If the main record already has a value for a field that is configured to store a single value, then the main record keeps that value, and the duplicate record's value is not used.
If the duplicate record has values for fields that store multiple values, any values that the duplicate record has that the main record does not have are appended to field values associated with the main record.
Exceptions to the Custom Field Behavior
If the main record has an application in the active period, then the merge acts like a "Safe" data import, where the custom fields are not updated unless the field itself is marked as "Unsafe." This setting can be updated for specific custom fields in the Fields section of the Admin Tool. This "Unsafe" setting on a field overrides the "Safe" setting for imports through Upload Dataset, form/event registrations, and Consolidate Records for just the specific field.
Manual Data Transfer Between Records
Individual data points can be manually transferred between records. Access the Transfer Objects tool through the Database, or by selecting "Advanced" in the lower-right corner when comparing two records in Consolidate Records.
Slate is an active, transactional database, and records cannot be completely unmerged as activity occurs on a merged record.