Custom Dataset New Record Form
  • 23 Apr 2024
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Custom Dataset New Record Form

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Article summary

Similar to the default form that creates a new person record in Slate, you can make a form that creates records for other datasets.

Creating the Form

Create the Form

  1. Select Forms on the top navigation bar

  2. Select New Form. A popup appears (pictured).

  3. Configure each setting* as necessary.

  4. Click Save

    *Click here for a complete listing of all setting descriptions.

Adjust the Scope

  1. Select Edit Form.

  2. Select Edit Properties.

  3. Change the Scope of the form to Dataset

  4. Select the appropriate Dataset from the Dataset list.

  5. Configure any other setting* as necessary.

  6. Select Save.

*Click here for a complete listing of all setting descriptions.

Customize the Form

Default Fields

Prior to changing the scope, the scope of the form was person. Therefore the default person scoped form fields should be removed. Hover over each field and select the X that appears on the right side of the field. Confirm the deletion by clicking OK on the dialog box.

Dataset-Scoped Fields

Add in the desired form fields for the new dataset record, mapping to your new dataset-scoped custom fields.

Required Form Fields

Make sure to map a form field to the Name and Key or unique-for-merging field.

Record > Name

Mapping to Record > Name sets the display name for the dataset record. If the name is determined by a calculation of form fields (such as first name + last name), include a hidden form field using a calculation formula. The following example illustrates a typical dialog:

Mappin gto Record - Name

System Field to Record > Key

Mapping to the Key or unique-for-merging field ensures matching of form submissions based on the established matching criteria. To map to the Key, set the System Field to Record > Key. To map to the unique-for-merging field, set the System Field to Fields > the unique-for-merging field for the dataset.

Mapping System Field to Record - Key


Integrating the New Record Form

Now that you have created a record creation form, you can use it to replace the default New Record button functionality.

📝 Note

These steps depend on whether you have enabled the Configurable Joins Record Lookup early access feature.

Using Configurable Joins Lookup

  1. From the main navigation, select Records.

  2. Click the Customized Views icon in the top-right corner. A pop-up appears.

  3. Click the Edit Shared Views link.

  4. On the Shared Views page, click the Edit Lookup button.

  5. Select the new record form you created in the dropdown menu.

  6. Click Save.

Using Traditional Query Bases

  1. Within the New Record form that was just created, right-click the New Registration link on the registration page, and then select Copy link address.

  2. Select Database on the top navigation.

  3. Select Query Bases.

  4. Select the Query Base of the new dataset.

  5. In the Create Record URL settings, paste the New Registration link that was previously copied.

  6. Select Save.


When manually adding a record to the custom dataset, if an error appears that reads "Resource not available," this indicates that the query base has not been properly configured. Go to the Query Base with the Database tool and complete the Create Record URL setting.

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