Custom Permissions
  • 17 Jun 2024
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Custom Permissions

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Article summary

Custom permissions enable creating and maintaining a personalized set of permissions for users, roles, and objects in the database. This offers an added layer of security alongside the standard and exclusive permissions in Slate. This article outlines the process of creating custom permissions and applying them to objects to improve your database.

Tip: Keep track of your custom permissions!

Custom permissions can be applied to many users, roles, and objects simultaneously. Create and maintain documentation to keep track of where custom permissions are applied; this makes it easier to later locate the custom permissions and make changes to them.

To remember key data points, ask: What is it for, Where is it applied, and Who has access?

Custom Permission Settings


Set the status to 'Active' or 'Inactive.'

Permission Type

Set the permission type to 'Non-exclusive' or 'Exclusive.' Exclusive permissions cannot be inherited through a role and must be granted to users explicitly.


Give the custom permission a name.

Creating A Custom Permission

  1. Click Database in the Slate navigation bar. the Database page appears.

  2. Locate the Users & Access section and select User Permissions. The Active Users summary page appears.

  3. Locate the Roles & Permissions category in the right-side menu and click Custom Permissions. The Custom Permissions summary page appears.

  4. Click New Custom Permission. An Edit Custom Permission popup appears.

  5. Enter the following configurations:

    • Status: The custom permission can be either active or inactive. By default, this will be set to Active.

    • Permission Type: This sets the custom permission to be either exclusive or non-exclusive. Note that exclusive permissions cannot be inherited through roles and must be granted explicitly to a user.

    • Name: Enter a name for your custom permission. For improved readability, this should be an intuitive name based on where you intend to apply your permissions in your database, such as "Undergrad Reader" or "Financial Aid Tab Read Only."

  6. Click Save.

Applying Custom Permissions

Once the custom permission has been created, you can apply it to objects in the database. The exact procedure for applying the new custom permission depends on the object you are modifying. In general terms, after opening the object for editing, a tool for modifying the permissions for that object is provided.

Objects Applicable to Custom Permissions

  • Activities and Interactions

  • Checklists

  • Fields

  • Materials

  • Projects

  • Queries

  • Reader Bins

  • Reader Tabs

  • Reader Views

  • Record Tabs

  • Records (Restricted Access)

  • Reports

  • Shared Views

  • Source Formats

  • Tags

  • Voyages

  • Widgets

  • Workflows

Assigning Custom Permissions

With the custom permission applied to the object, determine who will be granted access to it. 

Adding a Non-Exclusive Custom Permission to a Role

If the custom permission was set to non-exclusive, you can add it to a role.

  1. Click Database on the Slate navigation bar. The  Database page appears.

  2. Locate the  Users & Access section and select User Permissions. The Active Users summary page appears.

  3. Locate the Roles & Permissions section in the right-side menu and click Roles. The Roles summary page appears with a list of defined roles.

  4. Click the desired role. An Edit Role popup appears.

  5. Scroll down to the Permissions (Custom) section and select the new custom permission.

  6. Click Save. Any users assigned to this role now inherit the custom permission with any other permissions that role includes.

Adding a Non-Exclusive Custom Permission to a User

A custom permission that is non-exclusive can be directly assigned to a user rather than a role.

  1. Click Database on the Slate navigation bar. The  Database page appears.

  2. Locate the  Users & Access section and select User Permissions. The Active Users summary page appears with a list of users.

  3. Select the user to apply the custom permission. The user’s summary page appears.

  4. Click Edit User. The user’s profile popup appears.

  5. Select the Permissions tab. A list of permissions appears.

  6. Scroll down to the Permissions (Custom) section and select the new custom permission.

  7. Click Save.

Adding an Exclusive Custom Permission to a User

Exclusive custom permissions cannot be assigned to a role; they must be assigned to a user.

  1. Click Database on the Slate navigation bar. The  Database page appears.

  2. Locate the  Users & Access section and select User Permissions. The Active Users summary page appears.

  3. Select the user to apply the custom permission. The user’s summary page appears.

  4. Click Edit User. The user’s profile popup appears.

  5. Select the Roles tab. Lists of all defined roles and exclusive permissions appears.

  6. Scroll down to the Permissions (Exclusive) section and select the new custom permission.

  7. Click Save.

Tip: Test your custom permissions!

To be sure that your custom permissions are working as intended, use a test account for the custom permission. Impersonate the account to confirm that the user can see or interact with these objects. Impersonate another account without the custom permission assigned to confirm that the user is restricted as expected.

Can a user see something they shouldn’t? Here are things to check:

  • Confirm that the permission is Exclusive

  • Confirm that the user does not have the role of Administrator (All Access).

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