Definition of Common Errors
  • 21 Nov 2023
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Definition of Common Errors

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Article summary

As Slate executes a multitude of functions, there are numerous errors that can occur. The best way to begin troubleshooting errors is to understand what that error means. Once you have a better understanding of what an error means, it can help you start to find the source of the error.  

These are some common errors that you may come across. This is not meant to be an exhaustive list of every error possible.

Error Message


System.IO.IOException: Unable to read data from the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.

  • Source format should be configured as 'Cumulative/Replaceable.’ This will not change the previously imported data, but since each day's import will replace the previous file, the upload dataset source index tables will begin to retain only the most recent file's data points. This will make the source index tables much more manageable, and thus cause the Upload Dataset tool to perform more efficient and stable.

REST API service endpoint returned error result: status code = 429

  • Web Service Rate Limit - each database is rate limited to 300 seconds of web service request processing within any 5-minute interval where each request is rounded up to the nearest whole second.

  • Exporting Data with Web Services

Message Transaction (Process ID 551) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim.

  • A process deadlock is a natural result of having a highly active database. It indicates that two processes (A,B) were tying for the two resources (3,4), process A has a lock on resource 4, while process B is holding onto 3. In order for either process (A or B) to complete they need both 3 and 4. This is a deadlock, and in order to move forward one of the processes is declared the victim and the process is killed, releasing the hold on the resource it had and therefore freeing it up for the other process to complete.

___ is incompatible with ___ (e.g. Date is incompatible with bit)

  • The format in which a data point is being exported or searched by is not the same as the format in which that data point is stored (e.g. Date is stored MM/dd/yyyy while bit is either 0 or 1).

Unable to identify select statement

  • Something has changed regarding the data points being exported (e.g. Edits or updates to fields) and the query cannot select those data points.

  • Any extra line breaks within the select clause or in between the select and from clauses result in our RegEx Match failing. This appears to be true only for tracking queries.

Access to the path '\\\shared\sftp\outgoing\path_name' is denied.

  • This occurs when Slate is trying to replace a folder with the same name (ie "path_name") with the same file name. You'll need to give your query a path name that does not match on of your existing folders, for example: "path_name/file.txt"
    Using date/time variables is also recommended. For more information, please review our Knowledge Base article on
    Sending Scheduled Exports to a Remote SFTP Server under the 'Path' tab.

Cannot create "\\\shared\sftp\outgoing\folder_name\file_name" because a file or directory with the same name already exists

  • This occurs when the query can't run due to a file with that same name already existing at the destination path. Using date/time variables is recommended.

  • Path names on many servers, including Unix/Linux servers, are case-sensitive, so keep this in mind when entering the path.

  • For more information, please review our Knowledge Base article on Sending Scheduled Exports to a Remote SFTP Server under the 'Path' tab.

Execution Error the multi-part identifier "" could not be bound.

  • Slate is looking for a join/table alias (ie "ex_1234") that does not exist. This anomaly can happen in some cases where a join is deleted after a subquery filter/export is created referencing that join.

Execution Timeout Expired. The timeout period elapsed to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.

403 - Forbidden

  • Unauthorized Error

  • Credentials are invalid

  • access misconfiguration on the client-side

503 - Server Unavailable

Google: The HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 503 Service Unavailable server error response code indicates that the server is not ready to handle the request. Common causes are a server that is down for maintenance or that is overloaded.

Server Unavailable may be a Technolutions side issue. Check the status page for updates:

Operation is cancelled by User

A variant of the timeout error – it does not indicate a specific rule but rather that the process has timed out. These types of errors indicate a more general timeout rather than a literal user cancelling the action – the likeliest cause of which is long-running rules. During times of heightened database activity, it's likely that one or more rules are unable to process their queries in the allotted time. 

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