PowerFAIDS Student Information Export
  • 10 Apr 2024
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PowerFAIDS Student Information Export

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Article summary

College Board PowerFAIDS is a financial aid system that Slate can integrate with to help meet the complicated needs of student aid packaging.

The standard resources necessary to provide record data to PowerFAIDS are customizable and dependent on institution business needs. A query template can be used as a starting point for this data export.

Step 1: Import the Export Query template via Suitcase:

💼 Portal Suitcase ID

Use Suitcase to import our ready-made example Export Query template:


To import this Suitcase:

  1. Select Database from the main navigation. 

  2. From the section Import and Data Processing, select Suitcase.

  3. Click Import. A pop-up appears.

  4. In the text field, paste the Suitcase ID or Briefcase ID of the shared Suitcase/Briefcase item.

  5. Click Retrieve. 

Step 2: Customize the Export Query

The PowerFAIDS: Student Information Export query contains export values arranged and formatted to comply with the specifications necessary for the file to be consumed by PowerFAIDS. There are certain customizations that must take place to the query prior to using it.

Since many of the data points needed by PowerFAIDS are stored as custom data points within Slate, there are certain placeholder export values that use Literal values to indicate that they need to be replaced.

Additionally, update mappings as needed to meet how your institution uses Slate, as well as for any data you want to go into Custom Data fields in PowerFAIDS.

To customize the query:

  1. Select Queries from Queries / Reports in the main navigation.

  2. Use the search bar to find and select PowerFAIDS: Student Information Import Export.

  3. Click Edit Query.

  4. Click Save Copy so that you can reference the original, standard query, or start over if necessary.

  5. Enter a name and (optionally) select a new folder for the copied query.

  6. Click Copy. You are directed to the new query's edit page.

  7. For each Literal export that features the text icon (for example, Student.DriversLicenseNumber), add a new export to the query that targets the appropriate data point within Slate. Give this export the same name as the literal export with which it corresponds. Click X to delete the placeholder export. Reference the PowerFAIDS: Student Information Import Export Data Points Table for more information about each of the necessary data points.

  8. Add filter criteria to limit the records sent to College Board.

  9. (Optional): If desired, adjust any standard exports to point to custom data points instead. Note: Make sure that the export name and the export data type remain the same.

Once the query has been finalized, the query can be run manually to generate a data file. 

More information about the custom fields, please visit PowerFAIDS documentation

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