Facebook Custom Audiences
  • 04 Apr 2024
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Facebook Custom Audiences

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Article summary

After linking a Facebook Ads account using the Deliver Configuration tool, a query identifying a targeted audience can be sent to Facebook Custom Audiences via the query's Schedule Export settings. 

Configure the Facebook Ad Account

To set up the Facebook Ads Account:

  1. Click Database in the top navigation bar and select Deliver Configuration.

  2. Under Accounts, click Add Account and select Facebook Ads for Service.

  3. By clicking Continue, the page will direct to the Facebook platform. Follow the on-screen instructions to link the account.

Not seeing the login screen for the Facebook platform?

Make sure you are not already logged into your Facebook account when starting the configuration process. We recommend using Chrome's Incognito mode. 

Configure the Scheduled Export

To set up an export to Facebook Custom Audiences:

  1. Click Queries / Reports in the top navigation bar.

  2. Click New Query. Give the query an appropriate name, add a Realm if necessary, and assign the query to a folder. Set the Base appropriately (such as Prospects or Applications). Click Save.

  3. Add exports as desired. At a minimum, either "email" or "mobile" (using the exact name) is required for matching to the targeted users' Facebook accounts, but using both "email" and "mobile" will result in better matching. No other exports are necessary.

  4. Add filters that will narrow the records to the desired targeted population (e.g., applicants that have not visited campus, prospects with a specific interaction code).

  5. Click Schedule Export and set the Destination to Facebook Audience.

  6. For Facebook Account, select the desired Facebook Ads account.

  7. Set the Audience Name to something corresponding to the records being sent to Facebook. This will be seen by Facebook but not by the records that are targeted.

  8. Select a Requested Delivery Window and the Requested Weekdays

    • Similar to other types of scheduled data exports, Slate will push this data out to Facebook on a scheduled basis according to the selected delivery windows and days.

When the scheduled export runs for the first time, a new Audience is created for the Facebook Ads account. Facebook associates a unique identifier with this Audience, which is stored in Slate. Subsequent scheduled exports then match on this unique identifier.

Each scheduled export does a complete replacement of the targeted group. If a record no longer meets the query criteria, it would then be removed from the audience.  


It may take up to one hour for new users to be added to the audience, and up to 24 hours to remove users from the audience.

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