InitialView Integration
  • 28 Nov 2023
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InitialView Integration

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Article summary

InitialView offers applicants live, unscripted interviews that are recorded and uploaded to its interview platform, enabling admissions officers to quickly determine the applicant’s communication and soft skills. With the Slate integration, the interview can easily be viewed within the Slate Reader while enjoying full access to the features of the InitialView’s patented platform. InitialView interviews, offered globally 24/7 and processed within as little as 24 hours, have been part of almost 300,000 applications reviewed by over 350 academic institutions. There is no cost to implement or use InitialView interviews. For more information about InitialView, please visit the InitialView website. If your institution is interested in accepting InitialView interviews, you can get started here.

Also, in partnership with CBOs all over the US, InitialView provides short elevator pitch videos. Students related to CBOs record their elevator pitch and provide them free of charge to institutions. Learn more here. Contact [email protected] if you would like to receive these for recruiting/application purposes.

Slate Configurations

InitialView interviews that applicants share with your institution can be imported into Slate using an API call that is configured as a source format. A Reader Tab Group can be configured to display the InitialView interviews. Perform the procedure described below to configure integration with InitialView.

Custom Fields

InitialView Video URL

The custom field stores the InitialView Video URL used to display the interview in a Reader Tab (information on configuring the Reader Tab is provided below).

  1. Select Database on the top navigation bar and select Fields.

  2. Select Insert.

  3. Create a person-scoped custom field.

  4. Select Save.

(Optional) If your institution will be using the EPIC and Elevator Pitch interviews, create additional fields to store these URLs as well.

InitialView Star

(Optional) You may choose to create an additional custom field to store the Star value. Each InitialView interviewee receives two virtual stars, and they can demonstrate interest by assigning these stars to their top two target schools during Regular Decision. 

If you choose to map the Star destination to a custom field within Slate, create an additional person-scoped custom field. Since the values sent for this field are True or False, this field can be configured to use a bit prompt.

Source Format

This source format automatically fetches interview information shared with your institution.

  1. Find the remote server address with your institution's unique API key within InitialView:

    • Log in to InitialView.

    • Select the cog to go to the Settings page.

    • Copy the URL that displays under Slate.

  2. In Slate, add the InitialView source format from the Source Format Library.

  3. Edit the source format and paste the URL that you copied in Step 1 into the Import Remote Server field.
    Note: The URL must be exactly what appears on the InitialView dialog. If a colleague provides this URL to you over certain chat platforms (such as Slack), the end of the URL might become corrupted. The URL must end with this string of characters: "?start={{dtstart|date:'s'}}Z&end={{dtend|date:'s'}}Z"

  4. Configure the Remap settings for this source format. First Name, Last Name, Email Address, and Date of Birth are pre-mapped. Be sure to map the ivVideo source field to the custom field that you created earlier. Note: It is recommended to use the Unsafe Override setting to ensure that records with active applications will have this field set by this source format.

  5. When you are finished updating the remap settings, edit the source format to set the Remap Active flag to Active. This will run the import using the Remap settings configured above for all files uploaded on or after the Remap As Of Date value

Reader Tab Group

The Reader Tab displays within the Reader. It allows readers to view the InitialView interview video interface to watch the interview video.

  1. Select Database on the top navigation bar and select Reader Tab Groups.

  2. Select Insert.

  3. Select Link as the Type.

  4. Set the URL to be the merge field for the custom field you made and mapped above (for example, {{initialview_video}}).

  5. Give the tab a Name (for example, "InitialView").

  6. Set the Order for the tab to appear within the Reader.

  7. (Optional) If you want the tab to only appear if the applicant has a value in the InitialView Video URL field, select your Applications base, and then use the Field Value Exists filter with the InitialView Video URL field selected.

With the configurations above, all applicants that have the InitialView Video URL field will have a Reader Tab with the embedded video and writing sample within the Reader.

(Optional) If your institution will be using the EPIC and Elevator Pitch interviews, create separate Reader Tab Groups to display these interviews in the Reader.

Checklist (optional)

If you would like to use a checklist item that can be fulfilled by the InitialView interview, you may do so using a checklist rule.

  1. Select Database on the top navigation bar select Rules Editor.

  2. Create a new rule:

    • Population: Applications

    • Type: Checklist

    • Trigger: Upon Update (Deferred)

  3. Use the same Field Value Exists filter referenced in Step 7 of the InitialView Reader Tab Group section above to find records that have a value for the InitialView Video URL.

  4. Select the checklist item that you wish to fulfill under the Checklist list.

  5. Select Mark Existing as Received under the Action list.

  6. Save the rule, then test it while it is in the Preview status using Preview Actions. Once you are satisfied, activate your rule.

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